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rock devos

Matthew 21:12-22

Rebecca Lightfoot

Sometimes,when we wonder “why is God silent”;”where is God n the middle of this”;”why won’t GOD show me what to do”;or we r misled by counterfeit messages...,we may have a problem that Jesus addresses n Matthew21:12-22.Just as an athlete must nourish & train for “health/strength/endurance/preparedness” in mind/heart/skills/strength/,etc.,if they r going 2 b prepared 2 understand what a coach is teaching/instructing,& then b able 2 follow through effectively!LIFE is no different! If we r 2 understand/hear accurately what The Lord is saying,we must have minds&heats that have prepared 2 understand/hear!& if we sincerely desire 2 follow through(TRUST=FOLLOW)w what we hear from The Lord,then our hearts&lives must b changed/prepared by what we understand/hear from The Lord.N Matt21:12-13 Jesus drives the money-changers out of the temple.Then Jesus says,”It is written...”!For us to understand(see accurately)what The Lord is doing,we must b “readers/students” of The Bible...see life through a lens made accurate by God’s Word.Jesus reiterates this n Matt21:16 when he responds 2 a question,”Yes,have you not read...”,referring 2 Psalm8:2.If we r 2 know/understand/see/hear anything from The Lord,we should b “readers/students” of The Bible...if we r sincere about knowing His Voice,we will b sincere students of His Voice.N Matt21:18-22 Jesus talks about the next aspect of “preparedness”,when He finds the fig tree without fruit.For some reason this tree has not “benefitted” from the nourishment of the “soil”;it has not allowed any “nutrition” 2 flow through its roots & up its branches that would blossom fruit!We can do the same when we don’t allow what we “glean” from God’s Voice/Word/Spirit 2 flow through our life/heart/mind n ways that change us/grow us/mature us,& eventually enable us 2 b “bearers of fruit”. N order 2 know God’s Will/Leading about something,we must have lives that have had His Life/His Word/His Grace-His Mercy... grow us/shape us/prepare we desire 2 honor & 2 please Him.What the tree was not prepared 2 do!Dear Lord,sometimes I am just a reader & not a student of Your me&motivate me 2 b a hungry student.& then may everything n me benefit from Your Life flowing thru all of me...changing me & preparing me....& mayYour Fruit blossom from my life.

Matthew 20:1-16

Rebecca Lightfoot

Entitlement is a dangerous concoction of all sorts of “me centered” thoughts that take us down a path far from walking w Jesus!As Christians,we r more susceptible 2 these than we think...,which makes them even more dangerous!N Matt20:1-16,Jesus describes another one of these that reveals a sneaky/sly piety that can turn our lives from a reflection of God’s Mercy&Grace,to becoming more like a Pharisee than the Pharisee’s were.Jesus describes 3 different groups that all need the same thing!Yet,those that “around first” r the ones that develop the “worst attitude” attitude of superiority because of “being around longer”,being “more mature”.The ONLY STANDARD there is for “maturity” is Christ! N comparison 2 Him,we r all worms!
(Psalm22:6 “But I am a worm and not a man,scorned by everyone, despised by the people.”Job25:6 how much less a mortal, who is but a maggot—a human being, who is only a worm!”).We who have trusted & r following Christ r all worms that have been transformed by the Blood of Christ n2 sons&daughters of the Most High God!There is nothing that can give us any reason 2 think of ourselves as better than a worm,OTHER THAN WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE IN US & FOR US!We have no reason 2 have a pious pride of any kind! ANYTHING HOLY & RIGHTEOUS N me IS ONLY BECAUSE OF JESUS’ WORK N &THROUH me!This type of pride will always infect me w a sense of entitlement of some kind...,that turns me n2 a Pharisee...Dear Lord,I do not want to think of the many times this attitude has been n my heart....,forgive me! Help me 2 be humbled by YOUR LIFE,YOUR SACRIFICE,and the transformation YOU alone have made possible n my life..,& help me 2 honor what YOU have done w my all my being.

Matthew 18:23-35

Rebecca Lightfoot

“ENTITLEMENT” is a lie.A very deceptive lie that not only messes with our ideas about who we are,and WHO God is;but also taints our hearts w an evil “bacteria” that will infect & destroy a right relationship w The Lord,& those around us.And “it” has at least two ways of entering our lives!Jesus describes one of these through his parable n Matthew18:23-35.A person carrying a heavy debt is forgiven the entire debt,”miraculously”!Nnstead of this humbling him & softening his heart for change within,he doesn’t let what he has been offered(freedom from his debt)sink in/humble him! Therefore,no change/real cure occurs n his life.Nstead,he takes what he has been offered and goes about his old life with a new “sense of entitlement” because of the freedom from his debt.This is a twisted sense of entitlement that we all tend to have.The depth&breadth of what Jesus offers to me personally,the freedom from “ALL SIN DEBT”,is beyond measure!Yet,often times I fall far short of offering the same measure of forgiveness n the lives of many people around me.For 1 reason or another...this means that I have the attitude that “I deserved” the freedom Jesus offered me...,but “they do not deserve” the same.This is twisted sense of entitlement,infecting my life w a bacteria that can do damage to my heart if not addressed w the only “prescription” that is effective.In my life this “prescription” must begin w a dose of confession,and a prayer 4 The Holy Spirit 2 bring about the medicine of contrition,followed w an ongoing “regiment” of “heart therapy” of seeking&following Christ so the “cure” is permanent....I do not want to relapse!Lord,I am so so guilty of this  “sense of entitlement” n my life.Forgive me...,and help me 2 be contrite before You,& those around me,so Your GIFT will have the overwhelming impact&effect n my life that IT must...& may the GREATNESS of Your GIFT draw me 2 know YOU MORE,through Your Word & through Prayer w YOU!


Rebecca Lightfoot

There r “GARGANTUAN” moments n our lives that we must decide whether or not these r 2 have the significance n our lives they r meant 2 have,or not!N chapters 16&17 of Matthew,we see a couple of these n the life of Peter.N the Sovereign Wisdom of Jesus,He knew it was time 2 ask Peter a “GARGANTUAN” question that Peter was ready 2 answer correctly-“But who do you say that I am?”(Matt16:15b).Peter answers,”You r The Christ,The Son of The Living God.”Jesus tells Peter that his correct answer is made possible ONLY by GOD revealing it to him!WHO Jesus is,is so GARAGANTUALLY significant,that n our human capacity alone we will never b capable of “internalizing” the Eternal Significance of WHO Jesus is! That Jesus IS GOD made flesh->”And The Word became flesh & dwelt among us,& we have seen His Glory,Glory as the only Son from the Father,full of Grace & Truth.”(John1:14).The only way we can begin to fathom the true significance of this,is because of God intervening n our hearts/lives somehow..2 bring this reality 2 our “knowing”!But,”knowing” is just the first step! Even Satan is “knowing” WHO Jesus is...! N God’s Great Loving concern 4 our Eternal Lives(ncluding our “here and now”),HE takes Peter,James,&John 2 the “next step” n Matt17:5b!God’s  Voice speaks personally 2 them and says,”This IS My beloved Son,w Whom I am well pleased;listen 2 Him.”When God speaks here,God Himself is telling us that to “only” know the right answer about Who Jesus good,but not “enough”.We must assimilate n2 our lives the personal significance of God making us aware of this Truth,so we may have the Blessings of what HIS TRUTH makes possible for us!When God speaks 2 Peter,James,& John...HE is letting us know we must “take the next step”,and listen to Him!
A definition for “listen” is:
1. to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing; give ear.
2. to pay attention; heed; obey (often followed by to): Children don't always listen to their parents.
3. to wait attentively for a sound (usually followed by for).
God is pleading w us 2 not “just personally acknowledge Who Jesus is”,but acknowledge the SIGNIFICANCE of Who Jesus is,& seek Him;wait for Him;pay attention to Him,follow Him,etc.Dear Lord, so much of my life I feel a false sense of security in my knowing Who You are,and don’t let that REALITY impact my life! Lord,let the REALITY of Who You are, “astound” my life w reverberations through my entire life that change me,and draw me ever closer 2 You!

Matthew 14:1-12

Rebecca Lightfoot

Pride is the very “attribute” that will stand in the way of our lives having room for God & His Grace&Mercy to root and grow in our lives(Psalm10:4,”In his pride the wicked does not seek him(the Lord);in all his thoughts there is no room for God.”).And it will make us do things that we would rather not do!Pride not dealt with n our lives will become a horrible “MANIPULATOR” of our life.This happens to Herod n Matthew 14:1-12.Herod’s pride had so consumed him that n a vile abuse of his authority,he arrests John the Baptist for no RIGHT&TRUE reason.A dangerous characteristic of pride is that it ultimately “manipulates” us away from good reason,away from anything close to wisdom...and away from TRUTH!N fact,when pride takes over n our lives,TRUTH becomes our “adversary”-what we run from!While JtB is n Herod’s jail,he throws a birthday party for himself.Herod is pleased by a young dancer,& pride manipulates him n2 making a promise w/out thinking about the possible ramifications of such a wild promise.She asks for the head of JtB.Even though this distressed Herod very much,he lets his pride manipulate him away from what he knows is RIGHT&TRUE.(Matt14:9,”The king was distressed,but because of his oaths & dinner guests,he ordered that her request b granted & had John beheaded n the prison.”).Herod knew that it was not RIGHT what was requested,but his pride MANIPULATED him so strongly that he does it anyway!Pride will manipulate us away from RIGHT&TRUTH...and choke out the potential for GOD’s PRESENCE in our life.Dear Lord,there are areas in my life that pride is choking YOUR PRESENCE from growing n and through my life.May Your Holy Spirit & Your Word make me “miserably aware” of these areas,so I would deal with them with Your help...& free Your Holy Spirit 2 root & grow n all areas of my life!