John 13:21- John 14
Rebecca Lightfoot
When Jesus begins saying what John records n Jn14,Jesus knows that his disciples have just heard news that they were probably not planning that went against the grain of their plans/what they thought following Jesus would mean for them.The disciples more than likely still thought that Jesus was going to set up His Kingdom/that Jesus was soon going to be crowned King and that they would be rewarded because of their position w Christ/because they were Christians(disciples of Christ r not actually called Christians until Acts11:26,after much suffering & persecution had sifted those claiming to b “Christ Followers”).But n John13 Jesus tells them that he is going to b betrayed(Jn13:21) & that he is going away to a place that they can not come(Jn13:33).This is not what they were planning on!Jesus being betrayed & LEAVING them ALONE was NOT what they thought following and learning from Him for the last three years was going to “DO FOR THEM”.We often have the same thing happen n our lives when we have been hoping that our faithfulness n seeking & following Christ,& our sincere praying is going to bring about what we want,& at the very least make our lives easier...& then something very different comes.The disciples had the same perspective challenge that we have.Because our paradigm of thinking&living is naturally absent of The Eternality God created us to have,our perspective for what we want & our comfort are based on the temporal and not the truths of Eternity!Jesus knows this about His Disciples/about us!So n Jn14:1 he says,”Let not your hearts b troubles.Believe n God;believe also n me.In my Father’s house r many rooms/mansions/dwelling places.If it were not so ,would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?And if I go & prepare a place for you,I will come again & will take you to myself,that where I am going you may b also.And you know the way where I am going”.The 1st thing Jesus does,is give them a PERSPECTIVE ADJUSTMENT.Jesus knows that unless we have a true perspective about life(that we are ETERNAL,& that it is eternally detrimental to believe anything else),we will b discouraged by news that we r probably not planning that goes against the grain of our plans/what we think following Jesus means for us.Jesus points us/directs us to have an Eternal Perspective about life!A Perspective that lifts our VISION above the discouragements & disappointments of temporal things,and focuses instead on the promises of God(Jeremiah29:11,”For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.”)->PROMISES that have ETERNAL implications/that will last FOREVER!When Thomas hears this,he needs CLARIFICATION!Jesus points Thomas&us to the TRUTH that we r created to b ETERNAL & that we r created to have an ETERNAL relationship w our Father n Heaven(“Let not your hearts b troubled.Believe n God.In my Father’s house r many rooms/mansions/dwelling places). n Jn14:6 when Jesus says,”I am the way,& the truth & the life.No one comes to the Father except through me.If You had known me,you would have known my Father also.From now on you do know him and have seen him”.Jesus points is to THE STARTING PLACE for coming to know the Truths about the Eternality of our being,about LIFE trusting that Jesus IS THE WAY,&THE TRUTH & THE LIFE!Everything else&everyone else will leave us n the despair of never being satisfied for long by temporal things,&/or seeking things&/or people(false gods) that lead us to ultimate despair of the worst kinds!Dear Lord,so many times I feel the despair & discouragement that these disciples must have known when they heard that their plans/what they expected was not going 2 come true.When discouragement comes,point me back to Trusting You as Lord,and Your love & Your plans for me that have nothing less than what is TRUE & ETERNALLY BEST for me.