Rebecca Lightfoot
Again in 3John, John writes about “walking in the TRUTH” -> 3John4,”I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the TRUTH.” As John has written in 1&2John, walking in the TRUTH consistently is one of the ways that God’s Spirit softens and shapes our heart to be increasingly more like HIS Heart, and increasingly motivated by God’s Heart,& n 3John7 The Word tells the impact that walking in the TRUTH had on the people this letter is written to! ->3John7, ”It was for the sake of the Name (for the sake of the Character&Heart of God) that they went out, receiving no help from pagans.” Many Christians can be motivated by so many things other than the Heart of God, which will slowly lead us astray from the peace and joy,& victories that the Lord so desperately desires for us to have in our everyday life amidst all the challenges in our world. But when we are led by HIS HEART/Motivated by HIS HEART, HIS victories for us in these challenges shore up confidences that have an eternal foundation that can not be shaken nor taken away from us by any worldly force. This leads to a humility as we grow in our trust/dependence on Christ for more and more....and our lives imitate the life of Christ more and more->3John11,”Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God( The ONLY genuine source of anything PURELY GOOD is GOD!)”. This is also what the words of an old hymn says ->”When we walk w the Lord in the light of His Word, what a glory He sheds on our way while we do His good will, He abides w us still, and w all who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Satan knows this TRUTH, & he will throw everything at us to get us to sway from “walking in the TRUTH” as we seek to trust and obey with every part of our heart/mind/life! Satan does NOT want us to be “happy in Jesus”, so he will tempt us with anything and everything that will draw us away from “walking in the TRUTH”! One of Satan’s most effective strategies is to turn us away from The Truth/God’s Word/God’s Heart..& get us seeking a truth that is not The TRUTH. When this happens we are veered away from walking in the TRUTH, & our lives are robbed of the joy & peace in Jesus that Christ suffered and died for us to have. We are always seeking truth->a “truth” to be MOTIVATED by! This is why it is imperative for us to be deliberate about seeking God’s Heart in His Word regularly...and following through with application of His Word in our heart/mind/life. If not...we will definitely be vulnerable to Satan’s strategies that will rob us...! Dear Lord Jesus, I praise You for giving me Your Spirit as my Helper...dear Holy Spirit I ask for You to lean heavy on my heart/mind/life with Your TRUTHS..& then i ask for Your Courage;Strength;Discipline;&Heart to enable me to walk in THE TRUTH!