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boo blog




Rebecca Lightfoot

I've considered stigmas since before I knew the meaning of the word. I am the baby of my family. An athlete. A bookworm. A creative. I can't stand trash left in my car but I'm incapable of noticing when my shower needs a good scrub.

Whether by flattery or insult, we've all experienced a "label" of some sort. This kind of stereotyping is both unavoidable and - sadly - expected. Going into high school, I thought I had to choose. I played the violin, designed notebook covers for friends, and was getting pulled up for varsity sports. If I could go back and tell my awkwardly tall self about this "choice" it would read like a nike ad...just do it all

Expectations are a daily encounter. They can either motivate or cripple you. I'm still constantly fighting the battle of living up to them rather than being confined by them. Your talent is a God given canvas beckoning for you to dream. Molds are overrated and passions were meant to embolden.

So don't settle for instagram follows and pinterest board pins. Stop trolling the photos of patagonia hikes and liking Joanna Gaines shiplap. Book the flight. Take the drive. Buy the wood. Pick up the hammer and start making a sweat. 

Stigmas and expectations are only as powerful as the control that you give them. You were uniquely created with a mind capable of discipline, discernment, and desire. Our time on earth is limited. What are you going to do with it?

As for me...I prayed big and started a business with my mom and dad.
