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rock devos

Matthew 3

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Matthew3:2,John the Baptist’s(JTB)message is,”Repent,4 the kingdom of God is near.”Many came 2 see&hear JTB,&many of these were convicted of sin n their lives.When confronted w TRUTH,everyone of us will have a response of 1 kind or another.We either reject TRUTH,or we r concerned about the impact of TRUTH.Those who r concerned about the impact of TRUTH respond 2 JTB by confessing their sins & being baptized n the Jordan.When some Pharisees come,JTB’s response 2 them is not only a message 4 the Pharisees,but 4 those coming out of the Jordan that have been baptized.Everyone hears what JTB says 2 the Pharisees!JTB says,”Produce fruit n keeping w repentance...every tree that does not produce fruit will b cut down & thrown n2 the fire.”(Matt3:7-12).JTB is addressing those still wet from the Jordan as well as the Pharisees here.JTB is saying that unless the Pharisees, AND those coming up out of the Jordan,have lives that reflect a new mindset of Christ being Lord,with lives changed 2 honor Christ as Lord,they will b “cut down & thrown n2 the fire.”N addressing the Pharisees,JTB is also making those coming out of the Jordan aware that they can become just like the Pharisees if their lives do not reflect their commitment made through baptism n the Jordan-the commitment 2 turn from their old ways of thinking&living,& turning all of their “thinking&living” over 2 the ways of The Lord/His Word/His Promises/His Grace/His Love/His Mercy!Most of those concerned about the impact of TRUTH were wet from being baptized n the Jordan.JTB was now strongly encouraging them 2 “stay the course” of repentance,or they would drift back 2 their old ways & bcum just like the Pharisees!I found this when looking up REPENTANCE-“While repentance is not a work that earns salvation, repentance unto salvation does result in works. It is impossible to truly change your mind without that causing a change in action. In the Bible, repentance results in a change in behavior. That is why John the Baptist called people to “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matthew 3:8). A person who has truly repented of his sin and exercised faith in Christ will give evidence of a changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 5:19–23; James 2:14–26).”Those concerned about TRUTH decided 2 “b religious”.JTB says they must let their “concern” take them 2 repentance reflected by a “change of life”...a change of all previous “behaviors” that did not TRUE up w God’s Word.Dear Lord,don’t let me be “just concerned” about TRUTH,but let my life be changed by TRUTH!Grant me wisdom&discernment 2 know YOUR TRUTHS,the TRUTHS that transcend all time,& YOUR STRENGTH&POWER 2 change my life from the inside out,so true repentance happens n my life.