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rock devos

Mark 9:14-29

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Mark9:14-29 Jesus addresses an imperative part of our lives,if we r to experience “The Miraculousness” of having a right relationship w God.While Jesus was away for a while w Peter,James,&John...the rest of the disciples were being confronted by a crowd arguing w them about THEIR INABILITY to help a man’s son that was being severely tormented by an evil spirit.Jesus addresses the disciples w a stern admonition when he says,”O faithless generation,how long am I to b with you?How long am I to bear w you?Bring him(the boy being tormented)to me.”Jesus’ disciples r not yet fully appreciating/understanding WHO Jesus is,nor WHAT He has come to do!N Mark8:31-32 Jesus tells his disciples more about what He has come to do,&what He is going to suffer.But the disciples don’t “get it” yet!They still have their personal ideas of what being w Jesus means.Jesus’ miracles and His words had been creating quite a following-some that were “impressed by” Jesus,& others that were “threatened by” Jesus.At this point n Jesus’ ministry the disciples were maybe more “motivated” by some of the attention they were getting by being followers of Christ and the authority that He has given them over evil spirits (Mark6:7).Jesus had sent them out as His representatives,& given them the ability to see some pretty cool things happen at their “command”.What they did not yet appreciate was that whatever they were enabled to do was the direct result of their personal relationship w Christ...&what n His sovereign wisdom He knew as The Will of His Father.Jesus commands the evil spirit to come out of the boy.The spirit shrieks and then comes out of the boy!Jesus helps the boy up,and the boy is freed!The disciples come to Jesus & ask Him,”Why couldn’t we drive it out?”Jesus responds,”This kind cannot b driven out by anything but prayer.”Jesus is pointing them to what He says n Matthew6:9-13,”This, then, is how you should pray:“ ‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,Your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.Give us todayour daily bread.And forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil one’.”Jesus tells them that their lives should b n AWE of having access to our Father n Heaven & n AWE of Who He is.So much so,that they should overwhelmingly trust Him & desire what God desires...that their hearts/minds/lives desire to become aligned w God’s Heart;God’s Ways;God’s Will.& that they should turn toward dependency in God for all of life,including the authority that Jesus gave them over evil spirits.When we think that anything is within the reach of our own abilities,without turning to God in dependency for His intended purpose & His instruction,we limit ourselves to the realm of what we alone r capable of.We may “accomplish” great things as defined by the world,but we will never see “The Miraculous” happen n our lives!The Miraculous that God wants to use to reveal Himself to us and through us!The Miraculous that reveals God’s Power;Majesty;Authority;Grace;Mercy;& Glory to us personally & through us to those around us.We will lack the AWE of God n our lives,&not experience The Miraculousness of His Presence n our life & through our life.Dear Jesus,forgive me for being so independent of You n so much of my life.Teach me what it means to turn to You n total dependence for Your Mercy;Grace;Wisdom;Discernment;Power;Authority;& whatever other areas I am missing.Take me to see & know The Miraculousness of having You as my Savior&Lord.