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rock devos

Mark 11:27-33

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Mark 11:27-33, Jesus has a group of church folks come up to him to ask a couple questions.After they ask their questions,Jesus asks a question to reveal whether or not these church folks are truly/sincerely interested in finding/hearing the TRUTH.If we r not sincerely interested n learning what Jesus has to say “into” our life,then Jesus will “hold back” giving us what boils down to even more of what we will ultimately b responsible for.In our sin we r already “guilty of enough” to b condemned forever(James2:10.”For whoever keeps the whole law but fails n one point has become accountable for all of it.”).So,in the awesome Mercy of God,HE will not make us responsible for more by “enlightening” us to more of His Truths.If we r not going to listen and apply what God has to say already in HIS WORD,& through CHRIST,then n His Great&Awesome Mercy...He will not share more! When the church folks decided that they were not truly interested n what Jesus had to say,Jesus responded to them,”Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”When we complain about not hearing anything from The Lord,and/or not getting anything out of the time we spend studying the Bible..,or our prayer time seems anemic,we need to ask ourselves if we r sincerely seeking to hear & learn from what The Lord has to say!Or,am I coming to the Lord “with conditions” of an unwilling hard heart!Not truly seeking to b transformed by what The Lord has to talk w me about!If I am not coming to The Lord humbly poised for contrition and readiness to respond appropriately to what the Lord has to say,then in His great Mercy...He will hold back from sharing more than He has already.Just as a loving father will not ever overload us with guilt,our Father n Heaven will never do this very thing.HE knows when we r truly coming to HIM n readiness to listen...desiring to b ministered to personally (to receive HIS service, care, or aid; for addressing our true desires &necessities)by what HE alone can speak into our lives.If we do not have this posture of readiness & willingness to truly HEAR what He has to say,then we will have the same answer that the church folks had.Their hardened hearts kept them from hearing the TRUTH about Christ,right from The Mouth of God!Dear Jesus,I do not always come to You poised to sincerely listen earnestly to what You May have to talk w me about.Please make me more aware of these times,& help me to soften my heart & spirit...,so I have a heart&spirit ready&willing to truly hear and apply what You have to say to me.