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rock devos

Matthew 26:46

Rebecca Lightfoot

There r times n our lives that we feel far from all that is good,& that our lives are “helplessly lost” to whatever plaques our bodies/hearts/minds/souls.We feel that we are in such a “fading away from hope” that there is no way we can b saved from the impending darkness.We feel that no one has ever felt what we feel,& this fans the flame of despair&hopelessness n our lives...drawing us ever closer to the dangerous edge of many kinds of “self destruct”.On the Cross @ Calvary,Jesus FELT all of these things!In fact,HE felt all of these things that every human being ever born(past-present-future) would feel....CUMULATIVELY! When dying the physically excruciating death on the Cross,Jesus never “gave a whimper” over the extreme brutality&physical pain He was suffering.The pain so severe that it overwhelmed the extreme brutality&physical pain was the pain of being all alone w/out any REAL/TRUE/TRUSTED hope....the utter despair&hopeless of eternal Separation from God.Whether we acknowledge the TRUTH of this or not,the root of all human despair&hopelessness is a result of our not turning to God our Father in Heaven for His Love/Mercy/Grace/HOPE...and instead turning to sin of one kind or another, leading us away from His Truths offered through Christ alone.When Jesus cries out n Matthew26;46,”My God,my God,why have you forsaken me?”,he is feeling the unfathomable pain of this utter despair&hopelessness of every human ever born(past-present-future).He knows what IT is like to feel my deepest most excruciating pains of the heart&soul...He is suffering ALL of them!When we come to Jesus w our despair&hopeless,& trust Him w our lives/hearts/minds/soul,we are coming to A SAVIOR&LORD that can fully empathize w every pain!He is the ONLY ONE that truly can!But,He doesn’t “leave us there” without a “solution”...”unfinished”!After fully/totally/completely suffering ALL the SUFFERINGS OF THE SOUL,Jesus “cried out in a loud voice,he gave up His soul”!N John19:30 we “hear” what Jesus cries out,”It is finished.”On The Cross,Jesus suffered the FULL penalty for all our sin(which leads to despair&hopelessness) we DO NOT have to suffer any of the despair&hopelessness,”It is finished”!When I come to Jesus with the groans of my heart/soul/spirit, I am coming to The ONE that not only KNOWS my pain,but The Only ONE that also offers freedom from these pains through a personal “reunion” w God forever.By trusting n Christ for my “saving” from these,He also offers me direction/wisdom/discernment from future entanglements that lead to “despairing&hopeless” decisions & actions in my life from here on.By quoting Psalm22:1 when Jesus says,My God,my God,why have you forsaken me”,Jesus is not only letting us know that He is fulfilling the prophecy of this Psalm...,He is also pointing us to the HOPE of Psalm22!Psalm22:4,”In you our fathers put their trust & were saved;n you they trusted & were not disappointed.”;Psalm22:23-24,”You who fear(awesome respect) The Lord,praise him.....for he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one;he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.”;Psalm22:30-31,”Posterity will serve him;future generations will b told about the Lord.They will
proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn - for he has done it(“finished it”)”.Jesus FEELS my pains,all of them! HE also offers freedom from ALL these pains by replacing them w the ONLY HOPE that has been proven trustworthy through the ages and beyond...a RIGHT&TRUE relationship w The Living God!Dear Lord,I have times of hopelessness&despair from many things.At the root of all these is my lack of eternal perspective & lack of appreciation for what You alone offer me that transcends all time.Help me to have Your perspective on these things,and the victory over these things that only my trusting&following you will bring.