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rock devos

Luke 16:31

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Luke16:31,Jesus says something that is critical to my knowing&revering God for WHO HE is;for WHAT HE HAS DONE;for the MERCIES&GRACES HE alone offers;for HIS PROMISES;etc.!(He(Jesus)said to him,’If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets,neither will they b convinced if someone is raised from the dead.’”).Jesus says that unless I seek to know & believe what Moses & the Prophets say about HIM, I will not fully be convinced of the MAJESTY & POWER & MERCY & GRACE of Christ!In fact,Jesus says that without seeking to know and then believe the PROOFS that Moses and the Prophets record about GOD/HIS CHARACTER/HIS HANDIWORK/HIS MERCY/HIS PROMISES,etc..,without “hearing” what Moses and the Prophets say,my life will not be lived as one CONVINCED that Jesus is ALL that HE IS!In essence,Jesus is saying that there is much more to HIM than being raised from the dead! As HUGE as that is,there is much more...that we can only discover when we seek to know what Moses and the Prophets tell us about HIM/HIS WAYS/HIS LOVE/HIS MERCY&GRACE/HIS PROMISES,etc.Absolutely,when Jesus rose from the grave he conquered sin&death for those that receive HIS Gift of Mercy!But,there is so very much more about HIM,and so very much more that HE desires for us to much more that will CONVINCE us that HE IS GOD...THE GOD,that is infinite in all HOLY&RIGHTEOUS WAYS,& in all POWER&ABILITIES!Only when we begin to know and trust these “additional things” about HIM will our lives begin to b CONVINCED in the ways that Jesus is saying will save us,and bless us with all that HE desires for us.The only way to truly have an AWE of GOD & HIS GOODNESS is to know the treasures GOD reveals about HIMSELF through what Moses & the Prophets record n Genesis through Malachi!Dear Jesus,take me through Your Word n these places that YOU reveal so much more about WHO YOU are/The WONDERS of YOU,and may YOUR Spirit help me to understand &appreciate the TRUTHS about WHO YOU are/The WONDERS of YOU in ways that my heart/mind/spirit r “convinced” as YOU say I need 2 be