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rock devos

Luke 24:36

Rebecca Lightfoot

Jesus came to the world to confirm everything the Old Testament promises and describes and teaches about life;challenges;redemption;restoration;character;Righteousness;Glory;Mercy&Grace!AND to literally show us glimpses of Heaven!Jesus came;lived;suffered;died,& was raised from the dead to teach&show us TRUTHS that should give us a perspective on life that should not only give us never ending hope,but an Eternal Perspective of life that we r not “in the dark” about.And,so we will not have the despairing perspective of “is this all there is”!Additionally,whether we reckon with it or not,our PURPOSE in life is shaped by our PERSPECTIVE on life!AND, our HOPE&JOY&PEACE n this life r determined by our PERSPECTIVE on life!What kind of perspective do I have? Is it a “this is all there is PERSPECTIVE”?Or,do I have an “ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE” that is based on TRUTHS conveyed and confirmed through the life of Christ?One of the greatest challenges to an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE,is “what will I be like in Heaven;what will my body be like in Heaven;will I eat;will I recognize those I love that are also n Heaven;will I get together w friends n Heaven;will I b able to travel,etc.?Jesus came to SHOW us the answers to these questions!After Jesus has been crucified;dead for 3 days;& then raises from the dead in His Glorified body,N Luke 24:36 Jesus appears n the midst of His disciples,instantaneously n His glorified body!The disciples r startled&frightened..thinking they r seeing a ghost!Jesus tells them to touch him...feel that He has flesh&bones...assuring them that ghosts do not have these things!AND THEN,Jesus asks if they have anything to eat!AND THEN Jesus eats a meal w them!(Luke24:36-43).Jesus is SHOWING us what our resurrected bodies will b like-> 1Cor15:42-43 says,”So it will b w the resurrection of the dead.The body that is sewn(the one we r born with)is perishable(becuz of sin),it is raised is sown a natural body,it is raised a spiritual body.”1Cor15:49 goes on to say,”And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man,so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven(Jesus after being raised from the dead).”The Bible says that we will have eternal bodies like that of Jesus!Jesus PROVES IT through His resurrection!AND Jesus SHOWS us what our bodies will b like! We will b able to move about like Jesus did!We will walk&talk like Jesus did!We will meet new friends as Jesus did on the road to Emmaus!We will recognize our friends&loved ones as Jesus did!We will b hungry as Jesus was!We will eat as Jesus did!& ETCETERA!These Truths r the very ones that cemented an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE into the lives of the 1st century Christians!Many were either eye witnesses to Jesus’ glorified body,or had trusted family&friends that were!And their lives were turned inside out!They found a PURPOSE for living that gave them a MESSAGE and a HOPE & a JOY that shook the 1st century world...&continues impacting our lives today!They KNEW that ONLY Jesus shows us THE WAY to the life filled w the JOY&HOPE&PEACE that is PROMISED by GOD!Dear Lord!Help me to have my life changed by the Truths of Eternity that You came to teach me and to show me!May my perspective on life be so changed by Your Lessons & Your Examples that my PURPOSE for living is full of the Hope&Joy&Peace that You desire to be the driving forces of my life.