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rock devos

John 2:23-25

Rebecca Lightfoot

John says something about Jesus n chapter2:23-25 that is GINORMOUS! And,it conveys things that we gotta take to heart/to LIFE!John says,”Now when he(Jesus)was n Jerusalem at the Passover Feast,many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing & many believed n his name.But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them,For he knew all men.He did not need man’s testimony about man,For he knew what was n a man.”John is telling us that when we have truly/sincerely received God’s Mercy/Grace through our trusting Christ’s “finishing” work on The Cross,and Christ lives n our hearts/lives through His Holy Spirit...that Jesus has ENTRUSTED us with HIMSELF...HIS HOLY SPIRIT! God doesn’t need to trust anyone with or for anything! BUT,God being The Father that HE IS,n HIS awesome Mercy/Grace/Love for us...HE has decided those that become HIS children through Christ will b ENTRUSTED with HIS Spirit as revealed through Christ&through HIS Word!In my life,when I consider this,I do not see myself as trustworthy ENOUGH,nor having demonstrated this trustworthiness n my life since trusting n Christ when I was 7!I am sure that the apostle Peter would’ve said the same thing!After all,he went on from this point to deny even knowing Jesus 3 times! But Jesus sees deep into our hearts,as He saw into Peters’s heart.Jesus sees us not for “who&what” we r,but for “who&what” we will become as we walk with Jesus through the ups&downs of life...through all life experiences that will lead us to trusting HIM more&more,&grow us to become what HE sees us we trust Him more&more->what we were created to become,as God knit us n the womb to become!(Psalm139:13-16,”For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.).We who have trusted n our hearts that Christ has saved us from sin & from what IT DESERVES,need to “marinate on/think on/meditate on/pray about/seek out...the significance n my life of Christ ENTRUSTING me with HIS SPIRIT!This has endless meaning for me!And it “devastatingly humbles” me as it did Peter after he denied Christ 3 times!But,as n Peter’s life the humbling led to not only deeper intimacy w Christ,it also led to Peter becoming more&more of what Jesus saw n Peter years before when Peter first decided to follow Christ!Dear Lord Jesus! This breaks my heart to look into my life and see the UNtrustworthiness n my heart/mind/life!Lord,let this not discourage me!Let it ENCOURAGE me that YOU see what I “can become”,& not what I am!LORD,turn my eyes/heart/life onto YOU more&more,so I can become more&more like what YOU see n me/what YOU knit me to become!