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rock devos

John 10

Rebecca Lightfoot

The Triune God of Creation)God The Father,God The Son,& God The Spirit) is a concept that I still sort of wrongly “RANK” these THREE as I go about my everyday life.This is so wrong!They are ONE!They do not have different “RANKS”!They have the very same AWESOMENESS of being ALMIGHTY GOD!The God that was before “The Beginning” of time...The God that made “The Beginning”...The God that knew me before I was knit together n my mother’s womb...God The Father is the “Triune-ness” of absolute HOLINESS&RIGHTEOUSNESS,that n His GREAT LOVE gave me life,& created everything to reveal HIS GLORY to me,so I would have every opportunity to personally realize His Love for me.And then have the opportunity to turn to the GREATEST EXPRESSION of LOVE that could ever be...that HE made through the “Triune-ness” of God The Son!Then,The Triune God,n His Great Love & Wisdom,knew that once I did receive the GREATEST EXPRESSION of LOVE ever,that I would need A LOT of help while I “navigate” my life n this world,since there is an enemy that seeks to “kill and destroy”me(John10:10).So, The Triune God sent God The Spirit to me b my Divine Helper!(John14:25-27)The Triune God personally sent His “Triune-ness” HELP for me through God The Spirit!All of this is coming up n my heart today as what Jesus says n John4:23 runs through my heart&mind&spirit.Jesus says,”that all May honor the Son just as they honor the Father,who sent him.”Dear Jesus,I confess that I usually do not give you the same HONOR & REVERENCE n my “thinking&living” that you should have, since you ARE GOD!Even though I know this,the TRUTH of this does not always make it’s way into the way I actually honor you n my “thinking&living”...n my life!The same is true with Your Spirit that you have sent to be my HELP.Dear Lord,let Your “Triune-ness” be realized more&more n my “thinking&living” more of my “thinking&living” may b blessed,& changed by Your Overwhelming Mercy&Grace!