John 16:13-15
Rebecca Lightfoot
When we turn to Christ to save us from the penalties of sin,& then truly seek to know Him as Lord n our life...a metamorphosis begins when we graft our lives into a life of total dependency on nothing other than what only Christ can provide through His Life;His Sufferings;His Death;His Resurrection;&His Ascension to the very Throne of God.Jesus says n John16:13-15 that The METAMORPHOSIS begins, “When the Spirit of Truth comes(the Holy Spirit comes into our life when trust Christ alone to save us from sin) he will not speak of his own authority,but whatever he hears(from God our Father n Heaven) he will speak,& he will declare to you the things that r to come(TRUE wisdom&TRUE discernment).He will glorify me(in&through our lives).For he will take what is mine(All Absolute Truth/All True Discernment) & declare it to you.All that The Father has is mine;therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you”.As we hold firm to the GRAFTING of our lives to Christ through The Holy Spirit,we become increasingly more like The SOURCE of what we DEPEND on,and a METAMORPHOSIS begins of our becoming less & less like the characteristics of the World,& increasingly more like the characteristics of Christ(thereby glorifying Christ).Our hearts/thoughts/lives,which were once darkened by the shadows of sin&death,begin to have a metamorphosis that creates n us a new heart/a new thought life/a new life as king David knew he needed when he prayed n Psalm51:10-12,”Create n me a clean heart,O God,& renew a right spirit within me.Cast me not away from your presence,& take not your Holy Spirit from me.Restore to me the joy of your salvation,& uphold me with a willing spirit”.David knew that for “The Graft” that Jesus speaks of n his lesson about the Vine and the Vinedresser to take “permanent hold” on our lives we must depend on nothing but the Presence of Christ n our lives & the Guidance of The Holy Spirit...David knew this,& that is why he fervently prayed the prayer of Psalm51.David knew that his worst enemy was those parts of his own heart&life that would cling to his “old self” that lived before The METAMORPHOSIS began n his heart,his thoughts,& his life.Dear Lord,there r many areas n my heart&life that I will either cling to or try to reclaim...may The Light of Your Presence n my life clearly expose these to me,& then bless me with the same willing spirit that David prayed I may always continue the process of Your metamorphosis for my life.