Matthew 25;1-30
Rebecca Lightfoot
If someone wraps a gift of great value & gives it to me,I will not know what it is,let alone it’s value 4 me unless I accept the gift and then open it.Even then,if I open it,the gift’s value may not b something I know unless I seek 2 understand what it is,how 2 put it together,how 2 use it,&how 2 take care of it so that it grows 2 become what the giver intended it 2 b for me.The MIRACULOUS GIFT The Lord has given me is like a gift that is always becoming more of what I need,as it also becomes more&more a source of all things I was made 2 b blessed w...2 have true joy from...realize true purpose from/true fulfillment from.As I seek 2 “discover” more&more about what The Lord has given me through His Mercy&Grace...I will become increasingly filled w the JOY that HE pours out through HIS GIFT that is always growing,reaping more&more “dividends” than ever could b imagined by me.This is some of what Jesus is talking about n Matthew25:1-30.N vs1-13,10 virgins r given lamps.5 virgins appreciate the unique value of what the lamps offer,& “read the instructions” enough 2 know they must fill the lamps w oil in order 2 continue having the benefit of The Lamp(Psalm119:105,”Your Word is a lamp unto my feet & a light 4 my path.”) n their lives.These virgins continue 2 fill their lamps w oil,& even find ways 2 store up oil so that their Lamps will never grow dim.God has offered me the ONLY Gift w endless blessings for me,&everlasting Joy that surpasses all understanding,always&n all things!If I appreciate the significance of His Gift,I will b like the 5 virgins that will seek ways 2 find oil,&store it up(His Word)!N vs14-30,Jesus tells of 3 people that were given exactly what they could handle,&what would enable them 2 “grow”.The Wise Landowner knew just the right amount that would not overwhelm these 3,&yet exactly what they could “handle”.2 of the 3 “take the risk” of trusting the Landowners wisdom of giving them this opportunity.The other 1 chose 2 do nothing w what the Landowner had given him,& buried the gift.The 2 that trusted & “valued” what the Landowner offered,enjoyed “the joy of your master”(vs21b,&23b).The other did not!These 2 parables convict me of how I have failed 2 recognize so much of what Jesus desires 2 give me through His Word,& by stepping out 2 truly trust Him w the principles&precepts He offers through His Word,& through investing His Ways n2 my life & through my life.Dear Lord Jesus,forgive me 4 being so much like the 5 virgins that failed 2 value Your Lamp,and even more like the 1 man that buried his “talent”.Rattle me from the inside w Your Word&by Your Spirit so that these areas of my life r loosened,and shaken free from my life.Make me like the 5 virgins that knew & appreciated Your Lamp,& like the 2 men that trusted You!