Acts 19:20
Rebecca Lightfoot
Acts19:20 says,”So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.”This begs the question...what is the reason that “”SO” the word of the Lord grew mightily & prevailed”?!N the verses before,the people had allowed their minds&”ideas” to become so clouded w things far from TRUTH that their hearts/minds/spirits were SO confused&misled that the people had little to no sense of TRUTH.This led them to have lives that had little to no idea of the eternal repercussions of their being SO confused&misled away from TRUTH.Today,we have the same challenges to our hearts/minds/spirits as the people in Acts.The difference being that we have many more “things”& “devices” clamoring for our attention to be drawn away from TRUTH.The more I am drawn by these things,the potential for me to b drawn away from God’s Truths becomes greater.The enemy is clever in his leveraging of these things,n that he will b ever so gradual n the way he uses these things to sneak up on TRUTH,& draw me away from TRUTH.When this begins to happen,the power of God’s Word & His Spirit n our life begins to wane...& a true relationship w The Lord becomes something that is far from the desires of God’s Heart for us.And our lives fail to b ETERNALLY Effective n ways that r TRUE/TRUSTWORTHY/PURE as defined by the only SOURCE TRUSTWORTHY for these-God’s Word&His Spirit!And the Word of the Lord does NOT grow mightily in and around my life as it did n Acts19:20.Dear Jesus,forgive me for letting my time/mind/heart b gobbled up by things and devises that suck Your Word and Your Spirit/Life out of me.Restore n me the things and devices that You have placed n my life to Eternally revive and restore me for what You so desire to teach me;show me;talk w me about;change n me;and shape me to know and be.May Your Word grow mightily in and around me.