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rock devos

Acts 9

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Acts9:10-19,a disciple of The Lord,named Ananias, has a relationship w The Lord that enables him to hear The Lord’s voice,and that he is secure enough in The Lord’s Mercy&Grace to have a conversation w Him!The Lord says,”Ananias.”The Lord says nothing else,nor does He need to repeat Himself.Ananias KNOWS this is The Lord,& immediately responds->”Here I am Lord.”In responding this way Ananias is basically saying,”I am ready to hear from You/I am Yours Lord/my life is Yours/I trust You w my Life/I am waiting to hear from You/etc”.The Lord asks Ananias to do something that he is very very very uncomfortable with doing!N fact he is afraid that his life will b changed horrifically by this thing that The Lord is asking of him,”the ask”.Ananias doesn’t hide his trepidation nor any of his hesitancies!Ananias has a relationship w The Lord that he feels secure enough in to let The Lord know of his challenges w “the ask”.This makes it obvious that Ananias has had these types of conversations w The Lord before!He has learned that “beating around the bush” w excuses nor just ignoring The Lord is ever for Ananias’ personal best interest!He has learned that The Lord has always thought way ahead of whatever He asks,& that in the end Ananias is always blessed somehow.BUT,this doesn’t mean that he is now fearless on his own!Ananias NEEDS to b reassured by The Lord!Interesting that in His response The Lord doesn’t tell Ananias that all is going to b OK for him personally....The Lord just basically says “Trust Me”.That is not what He actually did say,but in what The Lord does says...He is calling Ananias to a level of Trust that is significant!In what The Lord says, He is confirming His Sovereignty;His Omnipresence;His Omniscience;& His Omnipotence.Ananias is reminded of these things...and his reverence for The Lord translates into ultimate Trust n The Lord,that translates into Ananias’ life following through w the instructions from The Lord(“the ask”).Ananias has obviously nurtured a personal relationship w The Lord n his heart/mind/life.A relationship that enables him to KNOW The Lord & His Voice!It is also obvious that this relationship has grown deeper by Ananias having experiences where he has trusted in all the Characteristics of The Lord,and let The Lord’s Strength lead him n responding to “the ask”.It is also clear that The Lord TRUSTS Ananias enough to come to him w “the ask”.Ananias did not get to this point without going through these types of experiences many times.And as Ananias has repeatedly responded n this way,it is obvious that his heart/mind/life has grown to have a “posture” of,”I am ready to hear from You/I am Yours Lord/my life is Yours/I trust You w my Life/I am waiting to hear from You/etc.”.This “posture” n Ananias’ life is a reason why The Lord comes to Ananias w “the ask”,and why Ananias has a heart/mind/life that is “tuned in” & ready to hear from The Lord.Dear Lord,my life does not always have the “posture” that Ananias has n these verses.N fact,I don’t want to think about how much of my life has not had this!Dear Jesus,lead me and guide me,& help me to have this “posture” n all parts of my life!And help me to always come to You as Ananias did when You come to me w “the ask” of the moment.