John 18
Rebecca Lightfoot
N the 1st verses of John18,a detachment of soldiers have come w Judas 2 apprehend Jesus.Knowing this was happening,Jesus didn’t wait for this group to reach Him,Jesus went out to them and asked,”Who is it you want?”They respond,”Jesus of Nazareth.”Something happens then that is Jesus personally giving everyone n this scene an opportunity 2 know for certain that He is God!Jesus answers by identifying Himself n the same way that Almighty God gave Moses to identify HIMSELF to the Israelites when n Exodus3:14 God says,”I AM WHO I AM!”Jesus says “I am He”,using the same word/name used n Exodus3:14!By responding to the group this way,they were given an AWESOME MINUSCULE PEEK at the Glory of God through Christ when He reveals His FULL IDENTITY to them,and they were knocked down by a the tiniest of tiny minuscule peek at The Glory of God(John:18:6,”When Jesus said to them,’I am He,’they drew back and fell to the ground.”)They each had a personal experience of being “knocked down” by the knowledge that Jesus IS The Son of God...nothing less than The Incarnate God!Jesus personally made Himself known n a way that they had very opportunity to receive Him.Yet,they denied what had just been made overwhelmingly TRUTH!OH Lord,I shutter to think of the times You have n so many ways revealed Your Glory/Love/Mercy/Grace,&Your Truth to me as You did w these soldiers,& I have quickly forgotten “what just happened” just like this crowd n the Garden of Gethsemane.Whatever it is that makes me oblivious to Your Presence n my life,please help me to address these things so that I may never more b oblivious to the WONDERS of WHO YOU ARE,WHAT YOU HAVE DONE,& The Promises You have for me n Your Word.