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rock devos

1 Corinthians 2

Rebecca Lightfoot

A theme of 1Corinthians is a call for us 2 know God’s great desire for us to mature spiritually(1Cor2:6-7”Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom...secret and hidden wisdom of God,which God decreed before the ages of our glory.”) so that we may know God’s gifts&blessings that are UNimaginable(1Cor2:9”...What no eye has seen,nor ear heard,nor heart of man imagined,what God has prepared for those who love him.”),the primary ONE being to KNOW GOD PERSONALLY!When we turn our lives over to Christ for Him to be our Savior & Lord,He gives us the GIFT of His Spirit to live in we can know the TRUTHS about God and about His Purposes for our Life(1Cor2:10-12,”these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit.For The Spirit searches everything even the depths of God....Now we have received the Spirit who is from God,that we might understand the things freely given us by God.”).God desires for us to KNOW HIM-HE desires a personal relationship w us...for our BEST(Romans8:28”And we know that for those that love God,all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose(Loving personal relationship relationship w God)”)!BUT, standing between us and this AWESOME LIVING VIBRANT RELATIONSHIP with GOD,are our own tendencies to be lured away by “the natural”-those things that tug our hearts/minds/bodies back to our old ways that are at odds with Spiritual Discernment(1Cor2:14”The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God,for they are folly to him,&he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.”).When we succumb to our “old natural ways”,we allow the natural person we once were(before turning to Christ for His Saving Mercy&Grace)to create an interference in our hearts/minds/lives that can confuse us and eventually lead us away from truly knowing God’s Personal Heart for us(“things of the Spirit of God”).This is why another major theme of 1Corinthians is to make us aware of the many different ways that our “old natural person” can creep back into our lives through sin and sin’s ways.Dear Lord,THANK YOU for the GIFT of Your Spirit! Dear Holy Spirit....please lead me;guide me;and give me YOUR strength/discipline/courage so my heart/mind/life may veer further and further away from my old natural ways and be ever truer to the ways of Your Spirit and Your Word.