"Guard Point" of my heart
Rebecca Lightfoot
I had a young man that God has placed in my life(as a source of encouragement,and a source of calling me to much more that Christ desires in my life) present a question to me that ended up giving me a kick n the pants that I needed/a lesson I needed.Here is the lesson I learned from this young man...the kick n the pants I needed!Our mind is the most significant place in our lives that Satan aims his subversive mortar rounds of weaponized thoughts.Since our mind and heart are purposed by God to be interactive in how our lives relate with Him;grow w Him/by Him/in Him;honor Him;worship Him;know Him,etc...So, our minds are in essence the “point of entry” for how God begins His work in our lives;& also the “point of entry” for the most significant tactics/weapons of the devil..it is our minds where the devil aims seeds of dangerous thoughts(mortar rounds of belief are thrown/shot/fired at us),sewn into our lives that become the vines connected to our heart,becoming the sources of how our hearts develop/grow in one way or another.This is why when Proverbs4:23 says,”Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”,God is telling us that the “Guard Point” of our heart is our mind!2Cor10:6 says “punish every disobedience”,after we have taken “every thought” that is “raised up against knowledge of God”...one meaning being for us to deliberately/purposefully identify those thoughts and treat them as deadly enemy combatants assigned by Satan to do severe damage to our hearts!We are to recognize these thoughts as being as eternally dangerous as they are...&treat them as such!A 2nd meaning being to guard my mind from dangerous thoughts I allow INTO my mind!A 3rd meaning being to feed my mind:train my mind/with the right thoughts/the right FOOD for thoughts(God’s Word!),&EXERCISE(prayerful obedience)so the “Guard Point” of my heart has the RIGHT source of strength/protection/wisdom/discernment.Dear Lord Jesus,help me to identify dangerous thoughts that come into my mind...and to take these captive and punish them,so they are so weakened that they die before growing any connection to my heart.And may Your Spirit draw me into Your Word and Prayer that develops my mind the way You would have it to be the Guard Point of my heart.