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rock devos

Romans 1

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Romans 1:1-2,Paul says that he is called to a position & a purpose(“I Paul,a servant of Christ Jesus,called to be an apostle & set apart for the gospel of God...”)Before this,He says WHO he is&WHAT he is.And then he says what he is CALLED & SET APART to be and do!N the first 4 verses of Romans,The Apostle Paul identifies who he is,and what Jesus has personally called & set him apart to be!N verse 5 he includes WE into being CALLED & SET APART...for the same purposes that Paul himself was CALLED &SET APART for(“Through Him,&for His name’s sake,we received grace & apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.And you also are among those those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.”).My calling boils down to a FAITH that so overwhelms my life that I seek to live according to the Word;the Spirit/Life of Christ.Paul is saying that if I live my life according to these...then my life will be such an expression of God’s Grace & the apostleship HE has called me to,that my life will “call people” around me to the same Saving Grace of the Gospel of God.SO! If we truly live with THIS FAITH,then people around us will be called out & set apart as we have been.If we do not live with THIS FAITH,but other types of faith...then people around us will be called & set apart for other things.Dear Lord,a lot of my life I do not live like my faith is truly n You;Your Word;Your Spirit...&I do not honor the position that You have called me & set me apart to be.Forgive me...and work n my life through Your Word &Spirit to change my I do honor the position and calling You have planned for my life.