Romans 8:26-28
Rebecca Lightfoot
It has been said that “prayer is the converse of the soul with God”.This means that God intends Prayer to be so much more than I usually “make of it”!I have a list of things that I “rattle off” when I pray “TO” God,and I will regularly have things throughout the day that I am compelled to “rattle off”/pray “TO” God about.I am certain that God hears these “rattling offs”/prayers of mine!BUT,I am also certain that HE has given me so much more in HIS GIFT of much more that I usually miss! Romans8:26-28 says,”Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness.For we do not know what to pray for as we ought,but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit,because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.And we know that for those who love God,all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”When I do nothing but “rattle off” before God,I am for certain missing the first important part of what God intends prayer to be(The Spirit helps us....for we do not what to pray as we ought)!When I limit my prayers to “rattling off”,I miss this HELP from The Spirit of God...HELP to know more about what else may be part of the CONVERSATION that God would like to have with me relative to my “rattlings”,let alone where HE would like to take the CONVERSATION to,from these starting points.And I also miss the AWESOME God intended opportunity to maybe become aware of the “groanings too deep for words”...the Spirit’s help in distilling my true heart concerns and desires.This includes the discernment God wants me to have so that I am not led astray by desires that are not good for me;nor led into despair over concerns He does not intend to for me to have.And the concerns He does reveal to me as important,The Spirit wants to encourage me with absolute TRUST in GOD’s Sovereignty that says,”And we know that for those who love God,all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”,which includes the awesome promise that HE has a PURPOSE for my life!This is the part of the conversation where I am changed by being in The Presence of God/Conversing WITH God.When we take the time to turn prayer into what God created it to be,our hearts are changed and our lives become tuned to The Heart of God.We have confidence in His Will over our own,because in conversation with God we have The Spirit’s HELP in knowing far more about what is TRUE,and what is BEST,and what is full of Eternal Purpose for our lives.Dear Lord,I usually “pray to” You instead of taking the time and making the effort to converse with You.I totally forget about Your purpose and Your definition for Prayer.Forgive me!May Your Spirit make me aware of Your desire for my personal times with You,& what You gave me the Gift of Prayer to be.Help me to unpack all the blessings You have intended Prayer to be for my life!