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rock devos

2 Corinthians 10

Rebecca Lightfoot

A primary weapon that the enemies of God use is any “argument and pretension” that seek to discount and/or discredit any Truths of God;what HE has done;and/or HIS Promises.In other words, the primary “targets” of God’s enemies are God’s Word;The Truths of the Life of Christ;The Sufferings of Christ;The Death of Christ;The Resurrection of Christ;The Ascension of Christ;The Promises of God;The Great Mercy&Grace&Love of God;God’s Personal Desires for our good;& more- 2Corinthians10:3-5,”For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”So,these verses make it clear that those of us who turn to Christ to save us from our sin and seek to have a vibrant relationship with Him...,we have enemies that seek to do us grave harm!These enemies of God have as their first line of attack our thoughts and our thought life!These thoughts will carry any “virus” of falseness about God and His Ways, that the membranes of our heart/mind/life may be susceptible to n one way or another.Just as a deadly biological disease enters our bodies through vulnerable areas of our bodies,so do “deadly/diseased thoughts & ideas” enter our being through vulnerable areas of our heart/mind/life.Just as our bodies rely on a healthy ability to produce antibodies that wage war against dangerous biological diseases,so we must have a healthy ability in our heart/mind/life to produce the antibodies that wage the war against deadly/diseased thoughts & ideas that target harm&destruction to our heart/mind/life.The “antibodies” of our heart/mind/life “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”Just as our biological antibodies capture disease that enters our bodies and submits them to the rigors of healthy physiological standards that identify them as dangerous...and then rids our body of them - so we must also capture every thought that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and submit them to the rigors of healthy heart/mind/life standards that Christ gives us through His Word & His Spirit.And,just as our bodies are dependent on a healthy diet & lifestyle for a vibrant defense system of antibodies,so are the defense systems of our heart/mind/life dependent on a healthy diet of Every Word from the Mouth of God (Jesus says n Matthew4:4,”Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”),and a lifestyle that honors every word that comes from the mouth of God - if not,my heart/mind/life will suffer harm from arguments and pretension that set themselves up against the vibrant relationship that God greatly desires for me to have with Him....The One that secures my Eternal Security In Christ.Dear Lord,help me to be more aware of the condition of the spiritual defenses in my life - where there are vulnerabilities and how to shore these up with Your Truths.And may Your Spirit enable me to honor Your Truths n my heart/mind/life.