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rock devos

2 Thessalonians 2

Rebecca Lightfoot

In 2Thessalonians2:9-13 there is a critical encouragement for us to not only KNOW The Truths about all of life and life’s purposes,but to actually LOVE THE TRUTH! If we choose to have things that contend with TRUTH sway us from a LOVE/AWE for what is TRULY TRUTH,then we are the ones these verses state as those being deceived(2Thess2:9-11,”The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”).The ways that Satan works are via “signs and wonders” that lie and deceive us away from all that is TRUTH!Any time we let our “belief/life paradigms” veer from what is absolute TRUTH,we are in danger of succumbing to “how Satan works” in his efforts to deceive us away from the WORKS of GOD!God created all life and breathed into all life for the PURPOSE of revealing HIS Glory to we would be drawn to know HIS Mercy&Grace through Jesus Christ.These are the primary TRUTHS that Satan desperately desires to deceive us away from!Not to mention the many other BLESSINGS of knowing and LOVING absolute TRUTH.God’s Word is THE FOUNDATION of all TRUTH!Any time we succumb to an effort of Satan to rob us of the significance/TRUTH of God’s Word we are in peril of “how Satan works”!And we become less in LOVE/AWE with TRUTH...and our love for The Lord begins to wane->we become decreasing awed by The WORKS of GOD!Eventually letting our lives be robbed of GOD’s Mercy&Grace by in essence our choosing to be deceived by “how Satan works”,instead of being awed by The WORKS of GOD.God,HIMSELF has placed inside everyone a desire to know TRUTH,and yet forever be AWED by TRUTH(humbled humongously by TRUTH because we will never fully fathom TRUTH!)->Ecclesiastes3:11,”HE has made everything beautiful in it’s time.Also HE has put eternity(absolute TRUTH)in their hearts,except that no one can find out the WORK of GOD from beginning to end.”.Everyone has been born with TRUTH embedded in our heart by GOD Himself.Just as today’s software can be destroyed by counterfeit software virus/lies,so our hearts/minds/lives can be destroyed by “all kinds of counterfeit miracles,signs,and wonders,and every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.”,by our refusing to “love the TRUTH and be saved.”.Just as a software virus can be sneaky and slow in the ways it grows to finally destroy,the same is true in our lives when we allow deceptive unTRUTHs to veer our hearts away from the absolute TRUTH that The Lord originally embedded in our heart.Dear Lord, I pray for Your Spirit to breath fresh life into the original TRUTH that You knit into my heart when You made me...and may my LOVE for TRUTH be what draws me away from all things that could veer my heart away from TRUTH,and may this LOVE make me hungry for Your Word/Your Truths!