Ephesians 2
Rebecca Lightfoot
We all ask the question,”what am I here for...what is my reason for living?”Unless we fill these questions with the RIGHT answers, we will never be at peace inside...we will always be in “chase mode”->continually seeking to find the “next thing” or the “more” of whatever that will satisfy the part of every human being that yearns for “being satisfied”,and/or “being secure”!Unless we find the right answers to these questions,we will never be “at peace” for long in any situation/circumstance in our life->we will never have the “active rest” in our life that God desires for us as we trust in Him and in His Ways and in His Love expressed through His Plans/His Ways for our life.Ephesians2:10 answers these questions w the only correct answers there are.”For we are God’s workmanship,created in Christ Jesus to do good works,which God prepared in advance for us to do.”Just as a violin made by a master craftsman,if not strung with the RIGHT strings;not tuned just RIGHT,and not played by a RIGHTLY trained violinist, will sound worthless....our lives not strung w the RIGHT strings;tuned to the WRONG tune;and lived not trained to RIGHT ways...,our lives will never “feel” fulfilled nor satisfied,we will not have the “active rest” in our lives of the “doing good works” that this verse in Ephesians implies.This verse offers the “steps” to finding the answer(s)!The 1st is being in awe of the fact that we are God’s WORKMANSHIP,& nothing less!We are not evolved nor anything less than THE HANDIWORK of THE “MASTER CRAFTER” of all
life!The 2nd is being in awe of what Christ ONLY makes possible-to find&have the PURPOSE for life through the Life/Sufferings/Death/Resurrection/Ascension of Christ!And the 3rd is the “doing”/training part->as we seek to know and follow the “training” that Christ leads us through&to as we live honoring all the above(“all that God prepared in advance for us to do”)->the day to day living that may seem to be insignificant stuff,but in the Perspective of Our Creator are the very things we were created to
do!The very things that are the ONLY things that give us the Peace that Jesus talks about in John 16:33, after John14-16 quotes Jesus talking about life challenges,purposes,and HIS Promises.We are not promised easy lives filled w earthly blessings(the very things that are often not the RIGHT things to “string our lives with”),but we ARE PROMISED the RIGHT things to “string our lives with”(things we were created for,&to do)->the ONLY things that will give us Peace/“Active Rest” as we live IN Christ!Dear Lord,more times than not,I do not have the “active rest”/the Peace in my life that You created me to have.I know this is from my stringing my life with the wrong things...and playing the wrong tunes in my life.Dear Jesus,help me to correct these areas in my life,& help me to realize what You Created me for n every moment of every day...and string my life with the RIGHT things/the RIGHT thoughts/the RIGHT plans/the RIGHT “to do lists”,etc.