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rock devos

Ephesians 5:8-17

Rebecca Lightfoot

A reason that our lives(we who have turned to Christ as our Savior) may not have a positive spiritual impact on those around us is that we are not living as children of the Light(Eph5:8-9).If we are living as children of the Light then our lives will look very different from the lives of those that are living in the darkness,and that contrast of our lives on those around us would have a spiritual impact that only The Light of Jesus can have->Eph5:11,”Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of the darkness,but rather expose them.”In other words,if we are “living and talking” lives that are those like “children of the Light”,then what is coming out of our lives and mouths will be “so lit up” by our being children of the Light that the things of the darkness around us will be exposed(Eph5:13,”But everything exposes by the light becomes visible,for it is the light that makes everything visible.”).Instead we tend to be like the Pharisees and live hypocritical lives that have little to no light,and instead we just point fingers at what we see as wrong around us,or even join in with the wrong around us...instead of having our lives changed from the inside out by the Holy Spirit that lives inside us.This is why Paul quotes a hymn that the early Christians would sing-Eph5:14”...Wake up O sleeper,rise from the dead,and Christ will shine in you.”The early followers of Christ knew the significance of their lives being “AWAKENED” by shaking up their lives and their talk by actually SEEKING & FOLLOWING Christ!This so impacted/changed/transformed the way they lived & talked that the world was impacted/changed/transformed by THE LIGHT that lives inside them! The world was changed “toward Christ” ;the Roman Empire was changed “toward Christ”;& our calendar was forever changed because of the Life/Sacrifice/Death/Resurrection of Christ....all because of The Light of Christ living through the lives and the mouths of the early Christians.These early Christians took to heart what Eph5:15-17 says->”Be very careful then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise,making the most of every opportunity,because the days are evil.Therefore do not be foolish,but understand what the Lord’s will is.”This is a continuing overwhelming theme in everything that the Holy Spirit guided Paul to write->Romans12:1-2,”Therefore I urge you,brothers,n view of God’s Mercy,to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,holy & pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test & prove what God’s will is-His good,pleasing & perfect will.”Unless we are pursuing to know God’s Word(s) & His Spirit,and then allow/have our lives to be changed/transformed by God’s Word(s) and His Spirit...we will be much like the darkness,& have little to no impact for Christ n the lives of those around us.BUT,if our lives are indeed changed/transformed by God’s Word(s) and His Spirit...,then we will be overwhelmed by knowing His Will-and our lives will be lived as “children of the Light”!AND our lives and our mouths will become a reflection of THE LIGHT that has THE POWER to impact those around us for the sake of Eternity.Dear Lord Jesus,I pray for Your Word and Your Spirit to powerfully impact my heart/mind/ desperately needed changes and transformations occur in my life...enabling my life and my mouth to be an always brighter reflection of The Light/Your Light to those around me.