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rock devos

Philippians 3-4

Rebecca Lightfoot

After challenging followers of Jesus to “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called” us,Philippians3:17-21,&Philippians4:8-9 give us the mindset we need to have if we are going to have our lives plotting a course in the right direction/going toward the right goal!Our mindset will always influence what choices we make moment by moment,& all of these choices,when lined up one after another,will determine the course our lives are plotting and what “goal” we are truly pursuing.SO,knowing this...Paul says->Phil3:18-20,”For as I have often told you before & now say again even with tears(this is how significant this message is!)many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.Their destiny is destruction,their god is their stomach(they are being led by “stomach desires”->selfish & worldly desires-,instead of every persons true HEART cry to know God!->We will either turn toward this TRUE HEART cry or run away from it!),& their glory is in their shame.Their mind is on earthly things.But our citizenship is in Heaven”.->Phil4:8-9,”Finally,brothers,Whatever is true,whatever is noble,whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.....And the God of peace will be with you.”.Paul is crying for us,as he is telling us that if we have our thoughts occupied by “stomach things”&earthly/temporal desires(including lust;greed;selfishness),instead of on whatever is true;noble;lovely;admirable;excellent;praiseworthy...that we are plotting a course for our lives that will leave us shamed(Phil3:19),and without the peace that Phil4:9 leaves us with->”And the God of peace will be with you”.So,if our life is going to be swarmed by God’s Mercy&Grace as we walk through life’s daily battles/challenges,& then have the steps we take in the moments of our days take us toward “the goal” instead of away from it...,then we must be mindful of our MINDSET...and choose to “think about such things” that are true;noble;lovely;admirable;excellent; we plot the course for our lives “toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”(Phil3:14)!Dear Lord,a lot of the time my thoughts are “tossed by the wind” as James1 describes...and these verses in Philippians warn me about this.I know that without Your Spirit to help me with the way I allow my thoughts to be blown about by earthly stuff(the wind as James1 describes!),I will be slowly plotting a course that is not closer to “the goal” that Your Grace so desires for me...! Dear Lord,I pray for my heart/mind/life to not only be super sensitive to Your Heart...but to also be responsive to Your Heart,so my thoughts may be on things that are true;noble;lovely;admirable;excellent;praiseworthy...and my steps through each day bring me toward the goal to win the prize for which YOU have called me for!