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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

N this life we will have many battles that are part of the WAR for our lives...especially our ETERNAL LIVES! Our Father in Heaven’s Love 4 us makes HIM so very concerned about the War 4 our Eternal Lives... that from the beginning of time through HIS Creation, and through HIS Word, and throughout all “HIStory”, and through HIS intervention n our lives...God has given & continues 2 give us endless reasons 2 trust Him & 2 have an AWE of His Glory revealed through ALL things, & 2 trust HIS SOVEREIGNTY no matter what. ! By the time Hab gets 2 chapter 3 he has seen & experienced battles of many kinds (Habakkuk 3:1-17 ,”O Lord, I have heard report of your work....His were everlasting ways...You went out 4 salvation of Your people...You crushed the head of the wicked...Yet will I quietly wait (trusting n God’s Ultimate Love&Sovereignty)…yet will I rejoice n the Lord; I will take joy n the God of my salvation.”). Through all things Hab remains steadfast n his TRUST in THE LORD. This is part of the character of true FAITH...remaining STEADFAST in TRUSTING THE LORD through ALL THINGS! Because there is a WAR 4 our Eternal Lives, we need 2 not let our perspective become skewed away from an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE, and become overly focused on the Temporal aspects of life. This kind of “shortsightedness” n our lives will cause us 2 have a faith that waxes & wanes w the “ups&downs” of life, & ultimately lead us n2 the “spiritual thorns” that Jesus talks about n Matt:13...”thorns” that rob us of True Faith and TRUE ETERNAL VICTORIES in and around our lives! Hab “maintains” an Eternal Perspective 4 life through his persevering TRUST n the STRENGTH from the Lord & an Eternal Perspective 4 life-Hab3:19, ”God,the Lord is my strength; HE makes my feet like the deer’s; HE makes me tread on my high places (Eternal Perspective of life!).” Hab must have drawn some of this FAITH from what David wrote n Psalm:18 when David writes n the middle of distress & battles about the “strength. & perseverance” he draws from his true relationship & true FAITH n the Lord...& from having a persevering ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE (Ps 18:31-33, ”For who is God but the Lord? Who is a rock except our God? The God who equipped me w strength...He made my feet like the feet of a deer & set me on the heights (ETERNAL PERSCECTIVE!)”. Dear Lord, my Perspective 4 life so easily & so quickly focuses on the here & now instead of persevering with an Eternal Perspective for life...and I lose many battles because of this. Lord Jesus, help me 2 have Your focus & Your Perspective n my life, & I ask for my strength and my perseverance to be lifted up by Your Strength & Your You did n David’s life, & Hab’s life, & so many other heroes that chose to TRUST YOU with a TRUE FAITH in YOU AND YOUR WORD!