Rebecca Lightfoot
Within each one of us is an inherent awareness of our lives having a “reason&purpose” that transcends what we typically perceive as “reason&purpose” for our lives.Sometimes this manifests itself within by a few questions rattling around in our mind relating to ”what really matters to me?”; “what else is there?”;”why am I not satisfied!”; and many more.These thoughts can be swept away by “mundane” rationalizations that are lies about our existence being nothing more than this life, or put away to worry about later. Or even worse, we seek in all the wrong places for answers that are unable to sustain themselves with TRUTH. God is addressing this in Haggai1:2-11, ”These people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.” And God asks, ”Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house (Temple of The Lord in our Lives; i.e. our Personal Relationship w The Lord) lies n ruins?...consider your ways. You have sown much & harvested eat but never have enough, you drink but never have your clothe urself but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them n a bag w holes....Because of MY house that lies in ruins (our personal relationship w The Lord), while each of you busies himself with his own house (temporal life stuffs)….Therefore the heavens above have withheld the dew & the earth has withheld its produce.” In these WORDS God is encouraging us to be honest with ourselves, & wonder why we have these feelings of lack of contentment, even when all our “efforts” may be ambitious/industrious & even covered w good intentions...yet we “feel” there is a lack of something...&/or a need for more.The “MORE” we fee a need for is a vibrant relationship with The Lord! Thist is the only WAY to a life with TRUE “reason&purpose” that transcends all time with Eternal Meaning&Purpose (i.e., “the Dew from Heaven”!). We all get overwhelmed by the cares&desires that aer far from Eternal Reason&Purpose. God knows this, and He promises the people of Haggai’s time, and us(Haggai2:7-9) with the coming Glory (that is the REASON&PURPOSE of ALL CREATION)...and Peace (through Christ) with Eternal Reason&Purpose for life ->the dew from Heaven, when we just turn our desires, plans, and hearts toward a living breathing TRUST in HIM and HIS WAYS. Dear Lord,I so easily get sidetracked in my days by “the mundane” & things that are not the touch points that Your Wisdom would have for me throughout my day...& I invest my time in things that are not lasting, nor with reason&purpose that reach beyond the here&now...& I veer from a vibrant relationship with You. I pray for my heart to respond to Your Spirit’s call...the same call You make w these people that Haggai is speaking about...and for my life to have a vibrancy in YOU, & through YOU!