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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

The Apostle Peter makes a statement in 2 Peter 3:1 that I have blown past a lot. Partly because it is short enough that reading “at full speed” I miss it’s significance, and partly because of it’s significance being a challenge for me! This verse says, ”Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking.” This “wholesome thinking thing” must be pretty important for Peter to say this is the motivation for his 2 letters to us! This is a discipline that the Holy Spirit has weighed so heavy on Peter’s own heart, the significance of how we think and what we think..., that THE Holy Spirit motivates Peter to write about what goes on in our thought life! The wholesomeness of our thought life has direct influence on what we are at the very core of who we are! We are very good at covering up a lot of what goes on in our thought life. It’s much like a dark secret place that we store things we would rather no one know we have, and then live like we don’t have these dark things hidden in our secret dark places. Peter is addressing these places and calling us to rid ourselves of all the dark secret thought places in our life....and clean them up permanently with wholesome thinking! To be wholesome is to be conducive to moral or general well-being! The only true source of “moral or general well-being” lessons are given to us by our Father in Heaven through His Word and through the Life of Christ! I need to ask The Lord more for His help in going through my thought closets and asking Him to help me clean them out...& fill them up with “wholesome thinking”! Dear Lord...I ask for Your help in drawing me to Your Word for the discernment to know the areas of my thoughts that are not wholesome by Your definition...and for Your Spirit to help me clean out everything that does not please You...and then replace these areas in my thought closets with the thinking that changes my whole life from the inside out to be more of a blessing to You and to those around me.