Rebecca Lightfoot
When we are in the kind of fellowship with God the Father that 1John1:1-4 describes, then 1John1:5&7 says that our lives will be “walking in the LIGHT, as HE is in the LIGHT”. In other words, if we are to have a living relationship with God the Father then our lives will display evidences of that relationship as we live our days making the decisions that determine how we live, what we say, the ways that our character is shaped, and how we form and value the other relationships in our life ->”This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” Sandwiched between these two verses in verse 6 the Bible says that if we claim to be Christians and yet we are not walking in the Light but walking in the darkness(not seeking&following God’s Light),that we are liars and do not truly live by The Truth/God’s Word. We can check all the boxes of attending Church, Sunday School & Bible Study Groups..., support and/or participate in missions..., tithe, participate in Church leadership, teach Sunday School and/or preach...,etc., yet if the way we live-talk-breathe-think & the ways invest our lives does not line up with what The Bible teaches...then we are liars/phonies...we think that we are something that we are not, which is the basis of ARROGANCE! God addresses this HIMSELF in Isaiah 66:2b when HE says,”This is the one I esteem:he who is humble & contrite in spirit,& trembles at MY Word.” The humility and contrition that God talks about is when we realize that nothing we DO makes us worthy of any favor nor specialness of any kind in God’s Family of believers/followers. The trembling at HIS Word is when the prime motivation in our life is to know and follow the heart of our Father in Heaven as HE expresses HIS Heart to us through HIS Word and by HIS Spirit. That is why the Holy Spirit inside the lives of true believers leads us to a hunger that is only genuinely satisfied when we sincerely seek God’s Heart in the Scriptures so our lives can honor Our Father in Heaven’s Awesome Love for us! Dear Lord...I confess that I am a “box checker” most of the time...forgive me...but I pray for You to let me NOT stop at being forgiven this morning...may Your Spirit living inside me give me whatever I need so that my heart is changed by what I learn about Your Heart...and that my thoughts, my words, and my steps the steps that I have and take today are in lockstep with Your that with YOUR HELP I may walk in YOUR LIGHT…and not the darkness of the world….