Rebecca Lightfoot
In the book of Jude, his immense concern for those around him, especially “those who are called sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ” (Jude1), is overwhelmingly evident...since he “felt he had to write and urge us to contend for the faith”! His heart would not allow him to veer from vehemently encouraging us to know AND defend all the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word! And to protect&defend these TRUTHS in and around our lives...and to have a profound concern for those in Christ that are being misled away from the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word, as well as a deep disdain&contempt for sin of any kind. In Jude’s letter he is revealing how his own mind/heart/life has been transformed by the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word, and in essence declaring how our mind/heart/life need to be transformed by the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word! In fact toward the end of his letter Jude says this in verses 22-23, ”And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering (our hearts should pain as Jude’s heart does over wandering away from the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word). Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment (be prepared to contend for the faith;Jude3) show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives (deep disdain&contempt for sin of any kind)”. By writing what was so overwhelming on his mind/heart/life, Jude is telling us how the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word had profoundly transformed his mind/heart/life. If this same transformation is not happening in my life, then I am susceptible to the wavering faith that Jude mentions, or worse yet dangerously vulnerable to veering away from the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word and toward sin that begs for someone to come rescue me as Jude says in verse 23. Dear Lord Jesus, reading Jude’s letter to me makes me realize that I have not been transformed by the TRUTHS of Your Gospel to the extent that Jude was when he wrote his letter. I pray for the transformation that You began in me when I trusted You only for my eternal salvation to go into all areas of my mind/heart/life so that I may not veer from continuing Your process of sanctification in all of me. And Lord, I pray for those around me to be bold enough about the TRUTHS of The Gospel of Christ/The TRUTH/God’s Word in their lives, that their heart/mind/life be not timid about mercifully snatching me away from anything that may cause me to wander away from sincerely loving YOU with all that I am....and by Your Grace may I become one that can be used by YOU to contend for the faith in the lives of those around me.