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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

Evidently when Jude sat down to write his letter, he was going to write about the The Gospel of Christ...& basically give a regular “Sunday Sermon” that we might typically here in Church! But when he sat down to write he “had to write” something else! Jude3,”Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” Jude was writing to Christians, those that had turned to Christ in total trust for Salvation & Eternal Life. Jude, the half brother of Jesus, had himself became 100% convinced that Jesus is the Son of God after he watched & heard Jesus during his ministry on Earth, then saw Him die on the Cross, and then watched Him after he was resurrected from the dead, and then watched Him ascend into Heaven. THEN Jude became fervent in his personal faith in Christ, & fervently committed to every Word that God gave through His Word/through Jesus Christ. It is because of this that Jude “had to write & urge us to contend for THIS FAITH” that Jude was so fervently committed to himself! If we do not have this same fervor in our life, then we will not prepare ourselves “to contend for the faith”,as Jude is pleading for us...! In the time Jude is writing there are many people going around with false messages, claiming to be accurately representing God’s Word,& The Life of Christ...while veering away from The Truth and leading people away from a RIGHT&TRUE Living Relationship with The Lord! We must have the same FERVOR that Jude had in his heart/mind/life if we are indeed going to be equipped to contend for our personal faith against such efforts...and keep our personal faith based on all that is RIGHT&TRUE. This is the only way that our heart/mind/life will have the perseverance; persistence; patience; purposefulness; resolve; application; steadfastness; diligence; tirelessness; stamina; resolve; tenacity; conscientiousness; rigor; zeal, etc., that the Hero’s of the Faith had to have as they faced all the things that CONTENDED for their personal RIGHT&TRUE faith in the they CONTENDED FOR THE RIGHT&TRUE FAITH in and around their lives. The fact that so many early followers of Christ were prepared to contend for RIGHT&TRUE FAITH, is what shook the world around the first century followers for The Sake Of The Gospel and saw the Evil Roman Empire become increasingly numbered with Fervent Christians, to the point that the Evil Roman Empire imploded on itself, & and began having a growing influence for a RIGHT&TRUE Faith in Christ. Today, the opposite seems to be happening, as false religions are contending for all that is a RIGHT&TRUE faith in Almighty God. We are not “contending for the faith that was once entrusted to the saints”! The purpose for Jude being compelled to write are probably twofold! The first reason being that if we are not prepared to contend for the faith in our personal life,then our hearts/minds/lives will suffer at least some consequences of not contending for the faith-> a loss of perseverance; persistence; patience; purposefulness; resolve; application; steadfastness; diligence; tirelessness; stamina; resolve; tenacity; conscientiousness; rigor; zeal, etc.,that the Hero’s of the Faith had to have as they faced all the things that CONTENDED for their personal RIGHT&TRUE faith in the Lord! A loss of any of these will lead to a waning of the Joy that RIGHT&TRUE FAITH in Jesus & God’s Word promises (Psalm16:7-11”I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure,because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”) And when this contending against our personal faith begins to happen, we begin to lose our sense of Eternal Purpose, and a “lostfulness” begins to settle into our lives that makes us vulnerable to all the strategies that those contending AGAINST all that is RIGHT&TRUE will muster against us to rob us of our RIGHT&TRUE FERVOR for The Lord. The SECOND REASON is to wage war against Satan’s  underground warfare against The Gospel of Christ being the Only Way that all people may have The Only RIGHT&TRUE HOPE in The Promises that are GUARANTEED by The Gospel of Christ, & nothing else! We Christians have been “entrusted” with THE FAITH...we have been “entrusted” as defenders for all that is RIGHT&TRUE! And all that is RIGHT&TRUE begins with RIGHT&TRUE respect & reverence for Almighty God & His Word->Proverbs1:7, ”The fear of the Lord (Awesome Reverence for The Lord )is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Looking around the World today, even in America, there is a growing battle for all that is RIGHT&TRUE that God tells us in His Word and proves through Christ! We are not preparing our hearts/minds/lives “to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people”! Dear Lord...I pray for You to bring Jude’s message to the very core of my heart/mind/life as an instrument of great change in all of give me the same fervor that Jude with Your Help I may prepare to be a contender for the faith that was once entrusted to God’s holy people!