The GRACE that is in Christ Jesus....
Rebecca Lightfoot
When we invite Christ into our life to be our Savior AND Lord,Jesus personally places His Spirit into our life.This is His Grace being gifted to us(unmerited DIVINE ASSISTANCE/STRENGTH given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification;a VIRTUE coming from God;a STATE OF/PROCESS OF sanctification enjoyed through DIVINE ASSISTANCE).This is what Paul is calling Timothy to “be strong in”,in 2Timothy2:1->”You then my son,be strong in the GRACE that is in Christ Jesus.”!Whatever we were before we invite Jesus into our life,Jesus gifts us with OVERWHELMING SUFFICIENT GRACE to become what HE CREATED us to be...what we are MEANT TO BE!Because God is a perfect FATHER with perfect LOVE for us,HE is not going to tie puppet strings to our lives in order for us to become what HIS LOVE gave us life to be fulfilled with and for!HE provides for us to have all the opportunities & ASSISTANCE necessary to first receive HIS Mercies through Christ,& then for us to know&appreciate HIS Graces through Christ’s Spirit that are HIS Strengths/Virtues/Cleansing enabling us to become the only person that we were lovingly created to become by our LOVING Father become the only person that will give us the PEACE AND JOY of finding what we are meant to be!This is why Paul is making a PLEA to Timothy “to be strong in the GRACE that is in Christ Jesus”!Paul is STRONGLY encouraging Timothy to depend on The Strength that Christ has planted in him,too have the Virtues of Christ become his virtues...,so the process of changing from what Timothy previously was toward what Timothy was created to become will occur throughout all of Timothy’s mind/heart/life.We must appreciate not only all of what Christ GIVES us,but it is imperative to also appreciate this PROCESS that Christ’s GIFTS are meant to bless us with...& then turn our mind/heart/life over to HIS GRACES!Dear Lord,I have not appreciated Your fact I have allowed myself to be oblivious to Your Graces.Please Help me through Your Graces to have my mind/heart/life vibrantly know and depend on Your Graces for all of my mind/heart/ me to “be strong in the GRACE that is in Christ Jesus”!!