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rock devos

James 2

Rebecca Lightfoot

James2- my faith is accurately defined by how I live,how I respond to those around me,what I do with my time,what impacts my heart,what motivates me,how my priorities are sit.

If I truly have a faith in Christ and all that He says,then my heart will be changed by this honest and true faith in Christ->WHO HE IS;WHAT HE IS;WHAT HE HAS DONE;&ALL OF HIS PROMISES.....and it is HIS SPIRIT living in my life that will make these real heart/mind/life changes.This heart/mind/life metamorphosis will include the things I choose to do and choose not to do,because of how the motives of my heart are changed and how the priorities in my life are changed...,because of my faith in all that Christ is,and all that He teaches.This is some of what James 2 talks about,with a bottom line lesson for me being the two examples of faith that James uses,Abraham and Rahab! They both had a life changing faith that God is truly and fully what HE says about Himself and has proven Himself to be->an absolutely Sovereign Omniscient Omnipresent Omnipotent God that offers HIS AMAZING MERCY &GRACE to those that will trust Him with everything.It is wild that both of these are in the human genetic line of Christ!Both had lives that demonstrated a true and full faith that changed the way they responded to life!This is the kind of faith James says will ultimately identify us as true believers & followers of Christ->faith so strong that IT is the true motivation of my heart/mind/life(James2:26,”For as the body apart from the spirit is dead,so also faith apart from works is dead.”).Lord Jesus,this chapter in James reveals how little I allow my faith in You to make changes in how I think and how I respond to people and circumstances in my every day life.I know You forgive me,but I need much more than that...I need Your Spirit to help me truly have my faith in You change me from the inside that the faith I have in You becomes the true foundation of all I am and all I do and all I say.