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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

I read something this morning that made me think about a lot of things, and helped me realize the significance of a few things that must be RIGHT in order for my mind/heart/life to TRULY know the TRUTH PRINCIPLES of what I read. This is what I read->”When you pray, God Listens. When you listen, God Talks. When you believe, God Works.” The world turns this upside down by describing a god that is a man made god and/or fits UN-Biblical versions of The One True God of The Bible...and then applies what I read this morning to this man made false god created by man’s thinking. Satan is all over this, & will do whatever he can to give us a false sense of security in a worship of these false gods, along with their temporal pleasures & temporal successes! These never truly satisfy for long, and never provide eternally satisfying solutions for our problems and challenges. So how do we turn this right side up!? We go to God’s Word to learn how the men and women in The Bible prayed, and especially how Jesus PRAYED; We go to God’s Word to learn how the men and women in the Bible knew God’s Voice from all others; And we go to The Bible to learn how God Spoke to these men and women who prayed to Him, & about the Character of God and His we will have the wisdom&discernment needed for us to know God’s True Voice and His True Intervention in our lives and the PURPOSES of His Sovereign Voice&Intervention in our lives. If I am NOT going to God’s Word for the PURPOSE of learning these things, then I will fall far short of having the True Peace of knowing God is hearing my prayers and the True Peace&Joy of knowing His Voice in my life, and having a growing True Faith by seeing how God Desires to Work in and around my life. And even more significant, I will be going off in all sorts of wrong directions and making all sorts of wrong judgements & decisions that even though they may temporarily please & satisfy, they will all be “dead ends”! Dear Lord, I have many “dead ends” in my life...I praise You for the Sovereign Promise of Romans 8:28 that when I turn my mind/heart/life right side up by turning to You and loving You and seeking Your Purposes for my life that You have plans for all things to be turned around for my good(Romans8:28,”And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose.”). Dear Lord, I pray for Your Help in learning more about having one on one conversations/prayer with You, & to know more about Your Voice & how You Speak to Your people, & to learn more about Your Ways so I will be able to know Your True Intervention in my life and through my life....and FOLLOW You Truly!