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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

The descriptions the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ give of The New Earth and of Heaven are only the glimpses of what will take FOREVER to fully know and appreciate. Even then,the language the book uses is obvious the “base layer” of what The Creator & Artist of all life is only going to reveal to us fully once we begin forever in Heaven with HIM as our FATHER in Heaven. Our impatience and lack of persistence in seeking to know God more & more in TRUTH sometimes leads us to a running away from God, and away from the PLACE HE is preparing for each of us. A humility inspired patience for The Absolutely Sovereign God & HIS Ways is what will keep us true to the course of seeking to know God as our Heavenly Father in Truth and the Eternal Blessings He has promised. Impatience in us will open the way for a sense of entitlement that leads to our becoming just like the people in Exodus 32, when they grew impatient for Moses coming down from Mount Sinai. And this impatience brings even more challenges into our lives by brewing a pride & arrogance that turns us into rebellious runaways that want nothing to do with our TRUE FATHER..., and developing a hard heart that becomes increasingly crusted by a more rebellious pride & arrogance, & an increasing sense of entitlement that twists our judgement so much so that we loath any thought of Almighty God being our FATHER. This pride and arrogance inside of us grows to a point that “it” deceives us into believing that we can fully understand God and His Ways. The idea that our brains have what it takes to fully understand a Sovereign/Omnipresent/Omniscient/Omnipotent GOD is ludicrous! We are totally incapable...! Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 says it this way, ”I tried to understand all that happens on earth. I saw how busy people are, working day and night and hardly ever sleeping. I also saw all that God has done. Nobody can understand what God does here on earth. No matter how hard people try to understand it, they cannot. Even if wise people say they understand, they cannot; no one can really understand it.” Then I found a quote that speaks to the terminal dangers of the pride & arrogance leading us to think we can fully understand God & His Ways->,”This desire to understand God completely turns sinful, however, when we begin to believe that we should be able to understand God completely. It’s not wrong to cry out for direction, to wish that the fog would clear and the right path would be more obvious. But to imagine that God is so small a ruler that his thoughts and ways could be grasped and understood by our finite and sinful minds reveals our lack of a high view of God.” What drives me to think of these things this morning is what Rev21:27 says ,”and nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination (LOATHING OF GOD), and lying, shall ever come into it (Heaven), but only those whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life.” When we are created & given birth, our names are written in His Book that records everyone being born into what God desires to be His Family. HE is our Father in Heaven! The first mention of this “Book” is in Exodus 32:33,where God says,”Whoever has sinned against Me I will blot out of my book.” The people in Exodus rebelled against their Father in Heaven when their impatience turned into a sense of entitlement that made them want a god that they could “make, that would go before them”->basically, a god, going & doing & providing for what they wanted...instead of honoring Their Father in Heaven. They began to LOATH Their Father in Heaven by seeking and running away to other gods (practicing abomination)! By doing this, they divorced themselves from being God’s essence erasing their names from His Book! We can do the same thing when we begin to have the same kind of pride & arrogance, & a sense of entitlement that the people in Exodus had. A door to our lives is opened into our minds/hearts/lives when we fail to deal with these ideas & thoughts quickly by patiently seeking to hear from our Father in Heaven about what HIS WORD and ALL CREATION have to say about HIS GLORY and HIS MERCIES enabled and empowered through Jesus Christ. TRUSTING and FOLLOWING Jesus is the ONLY way that our sin is washed away and our names remain written in the Lamb’s Book of Life -> our persevering Trust in Christ alone to Save us AND Guide us, into and through every day we have the privilege of living. Dear Lord, so many times, I make YOU into a little “g” god that is infinitely far from WHO AND WHAT YOU truly are…and in this arrogance I even put words into YOUR mouth and have ideas about YOU and about life that are totally upside-down. I pray for YOUR WORD and YOUR SPIRIT to open my heart and to open the eyes of all I am.. so that I can begin to have a peak at the GLORY of WHO AND WHAT YOU TRULY ARE every moment of every day…so that I may grow in my AWE of You…and may I grow, with Your help, in understanding how much and more I should be in AWE of Who You are AND WHAT You have done for me through CHRIST ALONE....& may I seek to honor You as my Father in Heaven with every breath & every step You give me to take.