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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

We were created and given life by our Father God. HIS Heart’s Desire is for us to receive HIS Love, & to know all of the things about why and for what we have been created/given life. HE knew we would have rebellious tendencies from being born into a world infected with sin, & being tempted by HIS enemy (&ours) to snatch us away by entangling us with viral sin being deceptively weaved throughout our mind & heart->ultimately kidnapping us and holding us for a ransom price no one on earth could ever pay. This is why, before time began, Almighty God’s Heart for us planned to save us from sin, & even free us from it’s piercing talons that without God’s Saving Provision would hold onto us FOREVER. Almighty God knew the only POWER & AUTHORITY that could pry the piercing talons of sin off our lives and eternally pay our ransom from being kidnapped by sin was HIS RIGHTEOUS POWER & HIS RIGHTEOUS AUTHORITY...HE knew that HE has the only “CURRENCY” that could pay the full ransom for our lives, forever! That “CURRENCY” is the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross at Calvary that proved to be the only TRULY ETERNAL CURRENCY when Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to sit on HIS Throne. On that Throne in Heaven, after all temporal time & things have passed away & FOREVER begins, is where Jesus says in Rev21:3-4, ”Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men (&women), & HE shall dwell among them, & they shall be HIS people, & GOD Himself shall be among them, & HE shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; & there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the old order of things has past away.” The Old Order of Things includes everything that sought to kidnap us from EVERYTHING that GOD’S AWESOME SELFLESS LOVE desires for us-> all the exhilarating joy and fulfillment that our Father God desired for us to have from the moment HE gave us life will be for those who have trusted in Jesus fully paying our ransom. Jesus continues in Rev21:5-7, ”....Behold,I am making all things new...It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning & the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost .He who overcomes (through trusting nothing but Christ->”the spring of the water of life”, to pay our ransom) shall inherit these things, & I will be his GOD & he will be my son (or daughter).” When Eternal Heaven begins, when all things temporal pass away, we who have trusted in Christ will fully delight in being God’s sons & daughters forever. Dear Lord, I do not think enough nor dwell enough on the reality that I am Your little boy! Because of this lack, I constantly act & think like a rebellious son that has little to no respect for You. I praise You for the eternal value of Your Mercy & Grace that continues to open the way for me to turn around and come back to be Your little boy that wants nothing but to know I am loved by You, and to live loving YOU.