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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

As John begins the Book of Revelation,he describes the conditions/perspectives/beliefs/convictions/attitudes of his mind/heart/life that quite frankly enable anyone to personally know the presence of The Lord, and God’s Heart to our heart “communication” personally know Almighty God as our Father in Heaven as John obviously did& what enabled him to know what God was talking with him about->Rev1:10”...I was in the Spirit,& I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said..” ”In the Spirit” means that John was in a state of EXALTING the FULLNESS of The Holy Spirit in all of his heart/mind/life (to exalt means the ACTION of elevating someone or something in rank, power, or character.The ACT of raising someone or something to a more important position). John was doing something that all of us can do -> placing what The Lord Says and what The Lord Demonstrated for us...,above all other things & influences in his life! ALL of what The Spirit offers (the FULLNESS OF THE SPIRIT) was EXALTED in John’s life above everything else! We know John is speaking about this FULLNESS because of what he says in Rev1:4-5, ”..Grace and peace to you from him who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness...”! When John says “from the seven spirits before his throne”, John is honoring/exalting the COMPLETENESS/FULLNESS of The Lord/The Fullness of The Holy Spirit....,John is saying that his heart/mind/life were TUNED INTO and IN TUNE with (EXALTING) the completeness available to all of us through Christ-> completeness being everything that God created for us to have in/through HIS SPIRIT as we sojourn through our life on Earth-the complete package of what The Holy Spirit of God is meant to be in our lives-> for HIS SPIRIT to be EXALTED in our lives! The “Seven Spirits” that John conveys in the Book of Revelation represent “THE COMPLETENESS/FULLNESS of THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD”->what God desires for every Christian to have. Isaiah 11:1-3 tells what makes up the COMPLETENESS OF THE SPIRIT/THE SEVEN SPIRITS of Christ->”The Spirit of The Lord will rest on him-the Spirit of Wisdom & of understanding,the Spirit of counsel & of power,the Spirit of knowledge & of the fear of (reverence of/for) the Lord-& he will delight in the fear of (reverence of) the Lord.” These are the SEVEN SPIRITS of Christ that are “the complete package” making up The Holy Spirit that Jesus places in our hearts when we turn our lives over to Him. I don’t know what all of these fully mean to me as a follower of Christ. But because John is identifying with THEM ALL, we can also identify with THEM ALL! It is John’s identifying with and EXALTING  ALL 7 SPIRITS/COMPLETENESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT in all of his heart/mind/life that made it possible for him to hear a voice that speaks what no words can fully convey. John was not born with anything that made him special in any way...,nothing that would have inherently made him significantly different from anyone of us! John is no different from any of us, other than the characteristics of his awesome faith in WHO Christ IS, and faith in WHAT HE has done, & faith in WHAT HE is doing, and faith in WHAT HE will do! John’s faith is not just a part of his life on Sunday’s, or when he goes to Bible Study’s, or when he does “religious stuffs”, or during his “quiet times” as he prays and seeks The Lord. NO! When John says he was “in the Spirit”, he is telling us that his faith was much more! John’s faith was such that his heart/mind/life were TUNED INTO and IN TUNE with ALL parts of God’s Spirit/the FULLNESS of The Spirit! What John did have on the island of Patmos when he was led by The Lord to write the Book of Revelation was this STATE OF EXALTING THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST in his heart/mind/life. This is something that Almighty God makes available to anyone that would do the same thing that John is talking about in these verses! When we become “Christians” we tend to rest/relax in the security of the “Fire Insurance” we have through Christ that provides for us to “go to the better place” instead of Hell! When we stop here and fail to push into and EXALT ALL that is the FULLNESS of The Spirit that Jesus gives us...we miss out on so much more than just having the fire insurance->we miss out on what John has on Patmos. We miss out on knowing the “voice of God that is like a trumpet”. When we miss out on this FULLNESS of what Jesus died for us to have, we suffer the consequences of NOT knowing the COMFORT & EMBRACE of The Lord’s Voice in our life...the Voice that is so different from any other voice that John likens THIS VOICE to a trumpet...a VOICE that speaks to our heart and the core of what makes us...a VOICE that speaks to the essence of who & what we are. Like some music will stir us so deeply in ways that are more significant than any words heard through ONLY our ears...some times this is similar to the way that our Father in Heaven desires to speak with us->in ways that no words can fully convey. Dear Lord, I believe You are calling me to “sit here” in these verses for a while...and learn more about having what You spoke through John for me to grab on to. Help me over the next days to discover the TRUTHS of what You desire for me through the FULLNESS OF YOUR SPIRIT coming alive in me.