Rebecca Lightfoot
The Book of Revelation comes with a promise->Revelation 1:3, ”Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take it to heart”(NIV); ”Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and keep what is written in it, for the time is near”(NASB). In verse 1 John tells the reason that Jesus gave us this book->” show His servants what must soon take place”. Jesus gave us The Book of Revelation so we may have Wisdom & Discernment about what is going on around us, and so that we would be BLESSED by having His Wisdom & Discernment to apply in our everyday life...”take it to heart/keep what is written in it”! This is why Satan leverages thousands and thousands of ways to misuse The Book of The Revelation of Jesus in books, movies, and stories that misconstrue what is written in it. As well as using the words of well meaning Christians to do the same thing! All this so the he, Satan, can make The Book of the Revelation of Jesus appear to be something it is not, or something that is beyond the understanding of a belief that is “just seeking” to know more about the heart of Christ! The devil definitely goes to great lengths to make it seem “beyond our understanding”, so that we will be stymied from the promise of The Book of The Revelation of Jesus to be personally blessed! Jesus gives us His Book of Revelation through John for our benefit, & HE means for us to know what it has to say...AND that we would be blessed by it’s reading! The same Jesus that gave Himself up on our behalf would NOT make The Book of The Revelation a book of hidden and coded messages beyond our understanding...HE means for it to be a life resource for living with Wisdom & Discernment for our Eternal Good! In The Book of The Revelation, Jesus tells us how the devil will endeavor to pull us away from revering The Lord, & what the influences of the devil will look and sound like. Jesus also tells us the lamentations of those that refuse to repent of sin and turn to HIM...& then Jesus tells us about the joys and celebrations of those whom determine to be steadfast & endure in their faithfulness to Jesus and His Word->Revelation14:12-13 ,”Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, ”Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” Blessed indeed”, says the Spirit, ”that they must rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” For certain, the Book of The Revelation of Jesus is not a book that we will be able to understand everything in it the first, or second...,or thousandth time we read it! BUT it is a book of miraculous promise for those that sit down before it and read with purpose to have the Spirit reveal a poignant lesson for that particular time that we read it with the purpose to “hear and take to heart what is written in it”! An example is how the book starts off, and the issues that Jesus addresses to the seven churches. These are some of the things that I must “take to heart/keep what is written in it”. For Jesus also says in 14:13, “…for their deeds follow them”! This reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the movie “The Gladiator” when at the beginning Maximus is going up and down the line of the soldiers he is leading into battle and he says ,”remember, what we do in life, echos in Eternity”! I must remember that the lessons of the entire Bible and sorta/kinda condensed for my sake in The Book of The Revelation of Jesus, by Jesus Himself...that I must take them to heart! For what I do now will echo in Eternity! Dear Lord Jesus, I pray for Your Spirit to draw me to Your Book of Revelation regularly...& for Your help in understanding what You know I need as takeaways from it to be taken to heart....and I will need Your help in taking Your message for each day personally… take it to heart.