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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

Revelation 17:14 says that “These will make war with the Lamb (Jesus Christ), & the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; & those who are with Him are called, chosen, & faithful.” This is the first of three final wars that Satan has been setting up for since he was thrown out of Heaven. God’s Word is clear about Satan’s ultimate demise, yet in his arrogance Satan denies the TRUTHS of God’s Word, even though every move he makes is declared in God’s Word! You would think when Satan has seen for thousands of years the fulfillment of every prophecy the Bible has revealed about Jesus, and what has continually unfolded throughout history that is God revealing Satan’s strategies...that Satan would come to his senses. Especially when more and more of what the Bible foretells is being “checked off” as TRUE throughout every moment of every day. You would think that over thousands of years of this, Satan would change his ways! But no! Satan has let his pride & his feelings getting stomped over the years build up a hardness & stubbornness that has further fueled his evil wickedness...and his evil & wicked desire to deceive humankind into succumbing to our personal pride; our personal arrogance; our selfishness; & what we think versus what God says! Satan actually thinks that this preparing to “wage war against the Lamb” has the potential to topple WHO GOD IS by deceiving an overwhelming number of the worlds kings and their kingdoms to agree with Satan and his ways & his lies. BUT all God does is SHOW UP at this battlefield and The Lord of lords & King of kings overcomes everything Satan can muster. The Awesome Lord of lords & King of kings just “shows up” in HIS Glory and all of HIS enemies are “overcome” by HIS Glory, while those that have chosen to honor HIM by seeking & following HIM are “WITH HIM”! After this, in later chapters, it is almost as if God gives Satan 2 more opportunities to change his ways. BUT Satan’s pride; arrogance; selfishness; & deception has obviously made it a forgone conclusion that he will never turn from his own lying and denying ABSOLUTE TRUTH/GOD’S WORD! You see, God has given all creation HIS WORD for our GOOD. Denying IT’S TRUTHS is really nothing but our pride; our arrogance; & our selfishness being used against us by the Enemy that wants to gather us to wage war against The Lord of lords, & King of kings for a battle that those not WITH HIM will ultimately lose! Dear Lord of lords , & King of kings...I pray for You to teach me more and more about Your Ways and Your Love for me..& I pray for YOUR WAYS AND YOUR LOVE AND YOUR TRUTHS to change me from the inside out, so that I may be always “with you, & called chosen & faithful”!