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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

Satan/the devil is nothing but the evil, wicked, & deceitful supreme commander of the enemies of Almighty God. Some of Satan’s character and his aspirations have been revealed throughout world history via the lives of the narcissistic kings/rulers/leaders/despots that have for thousands of years, at one time or another, shown up on the world stage as Satan’s virtual minions! Without exception, every one of these have been responsible for the deaths of millions of people & the evil deception of their followers! At the core of every deception is an UNtruth! This is Satan’s strategy, to begin with a small UNtruth, & build on top of that one UNtruth a mix of other 1/2 truths that are in essence more UNtruths! In doing this, Satan’s strategy over the ages has proven to be one of redefining GOOD & EVIL, HOLY & UNHOLY, RIGHTEOUSNESS & that he can deceive us into following his ways, instead of God’s Ways. Just like all the deceitful despots throughout history! Every example of these ultimately lead to wretched miseries for all of those deceived into following the deceptions/temptations that opened the door to the torments of sin. This is Satan’s long term strategy for humankind. When we deny ourselves the only ultimate protection from sin, we expose ourselves to the infectious nature of sin that Satan means to destroy us with. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus is warning us of just how horrific sin is! HIS awesome desire is for us to know these TRUTHS about sin so we will become over-comers of Satan’s evil scheme->Revelation 12:10-11,”Then I heard a loud voice in Heaven say:”Now have come the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God,and the authority of His Christ.For the accuser (Satan) of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They (those who trust&follow Christ) OVERCAME him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death (they turned away from sin).” This is the ULTIMATE TRUTH that Satan desires to UNseat as TRUTH! That the only way to OVERCOME Satan’s evil plot was ACCOMPLISHED once and for all time by Jesus Christ - by HIS Blood! The evidence that we accept what Jesus did on our behalf is by our words and our lives TESTIFYING to our acceptance of the Mercies of Christ! What comes out of our mouths, and the ways we turn from the lies sin tells about life and the  priorities that sin set up against God’s Heart/God’s Ways...these are the ways that our life testimony convicts us as being TRUE Acceptors of The Salvation of The Gospel of Christ....and mark us/identify us as TRUE OVERCOMERS! Dear Lord Jesus, I pray for Your Spirit, that You sent to help me and guide me, be WHO I hear above all other voices in my I may be drawn to know Your Heart/Your Ways,and to seek Your help so that the words I speak, & the way I live will testify to my absolute TRUST in Who You are,& what You did for me when You shed Your Blood for me.