Romans 3-4
Rebecca Lightfoot
N Romans 3-4,Paul makes it plain that the only way to have a living relationship w God is through Faith in HIM,PARTICULARLY in what HE Says and how HE Leads,& especially in WHO HE IS!Paul is referencing Genesis15:6,where after demonstrating his faith in several ways,God says that Abraham’s faith is “credited to him as righteousness”.The picture of faith painted by Abraham’s life is what Paul is pointing us to!N Genesis14-15 Abraham had demonstrated his FAITH n God’s Sovereignty when he let Lot choose what “appeared” to b the choicest land to live in; Abraham trusted how God tugged at his heart when Lot & his family were caught up in a war involving 9 kings...he knew what he “should do” and did it when he depended on/trusted God & gathered up 318 of his men to rescue his nephew(miraculously experiencing a victory that 4 worldy kings could not);then Abraham turns away from worldly reward so God alone is honored&glorified;and then when Abraham comes to God w his doubts about God’s Promises,Abraham accepts/receives God’s Encouragement and has his faith stoked by hearing and believing the reminders of God’s Voice/Word n his life(Genesis15:1-6).This is a model of living the kind of “maturing” faith n The Lord that is the only way of being considered Righteous before The Only Holy&Righteous Eternal God.Abraham was far from
perfect.Yet the Faith Abraham came to depend on more and more n his life-faith in God’s Sovereignty;God’s Heart/Spirit;&God’s Word-is what Paul is calling us to n Romans3-4!This is a picture of the “well rounded Faith” that God is at work to build in those that turn to Seek Him&Trust Him only.This is the kind of life that brings Glory to God in ways that draw others to know the saving Grace & Mercy of Christ....just by “living” n&through this Faith.Dear Lord,I fail so many times to have the kind of faith that Abraham shows me...I fail just as Abraham did many times.But,I pray for Your help in giving me the same perseverance/persistence/resilience and FAITH of Abraham that fires up his desire to keep coming to You to be reminded of Your Mercy and Your Promises...and grow n FAITH as Abraham did.