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rock devos

Romans 1:16-17

Rebecca Lightfoot

Romans 1:16-17 says,”For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘But the righteous man shall live by faith’.”N Paul’s life,this was a “stake in the ground” that he would live by,and not waver from.It was his confidence;his security;his purpose;the beat of his heart;a common thread for everything n his “live by faith”!Paul says that his faith is based on the Gospel.In short, “the Gospel” is the sum total of the saving truth as God has communicated it to lost humanity as it is revealed in the person of His Son,His Spirit, and in the Holy Scriptures.Paul says that THIS is the POWER of God for SALVATION/LIFE for everyone who believes(to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something to deliver on a truth&/or promise).N other words,Paul was planting The Gospel as the “stake in the ground” for his life.Paul goes on to say that The Gospel reveals the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God...His HEART;His CHARACTER;His LOVE;His GRACE;His MERCY.Paul says that his FAITH is defined by God, being revealed through Christ;The Holy Spirit; and the Bible.This FAITH was to be what Paul would be weave ever more into his life,every day of his life....seeking to have more of The Gospel lived through his life->”But the righteous man shall live by faith”.By quoting this,it is clear that Paul was a student of the Holy Scriptures that he had during his life time...he is quoting Habakkuk 2:4,and actually applying a message from Habakkuk to his life,& pointing us to the same.Dear Lord,help me to have only ONE stake n the ground for my life...the same stake n the ground that Paul had.Give me the same hunger Paul had to study Your Word...and may I live by the same stake in the ground as described n these verses.