Romans 1:11-12
Rebecca Lightfoot
When brothers and sisters n Christ get together,Paul says that there should b a significant part of our getting together that encourages each other n our faith n Christ;His Word;His Spirit;His Way;His Spiritual Gifts...that strengthens our faith(Romans1:11-12,”For I long to see you,that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you-that is,that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith,both yours and mine.”).Paul actually LONGED to get together w fellow Christians,so this MUTUAL ENCOURAGEMENT could happen,because he knew he needed it personally...,& that he yearned for the joy of being used through his personal
faith to encourage others.If there is not this yearning n my life,I lack something that these verses imply should b n my life.So,we should have a longing n us to get together w other followers of Christ....&when we do,a significant part of our “getting together”should b a mutual encouragement that strengthens our Faith n Christ;His Word;His Spirit;His Way;His Spiritual Gifts.N order for this to happen we need to personally b “fresh” n our personal stirring of His Word;His Spirit;His Way;His Spiritual Gifts n our life.If not,there is not much we have to “share from our side” during the “getting together”.& if both of us are not “fresh” n our personal stirring of His Word;His Spirit;His Way;His Spiritual Gifts,then we will more than likely not have much “mutual encouragement” happening when we “get together”.N the 1st century church,this “mutual encouragement”happened all the time.This is one reason why the 1st century church had such an IMPACT in the World for Christ!The lack of this may b one of the reasons that n most nations today,there is not the same IMPACT for Christ happening that positively effects our communities & the world around us for Christ.N fact other faiths that follow false gods are having an impact that the 1st century followers of Christ shook the World with.But there impact is n essence a direct affront to The One True Triune God;His Word;His Spirit;His Way;His Spiritual Gifts.Dear Lord Jesus,stir n me a fresh awakening of Your Word;Your Spirit;Your Way;& Your Spiritual Gifts n my life...& I pray the same for all of those that seek to know & follow You around the World....especially those n my community of followers.May this awakening n us & strengthen us n ways that impact those around us for the sake of Your it did during the time of the 1st century body of Your Followers.