1 Timothy 3:1-16
Rebecca Lightfoot
In 1Timothy,Paul is writing as one given a role of encouraging all followers of Christ in how to nourish and protect our personal FAITH and that of those around us,as well as giving a “TRUE NORTH” for the “LIFE COMPASS” of every follower of Christ.In 1Timothy3:1-16 the Scripture begins with “Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer,he desires a noble task.Therefore....”.The entire chapter is relative for men AND women,even though the verses at first glance appear to be gender specific->the TRUTHS in all of these verses are aptly applied to men AND women!Everyone of us should pursue “noble tasks”!If not,we are pursuing tasks that are LESS THAN noble!So,these verses do NOT apply to only those followers of Christ that are being considered for leadership positions,but for every NOBLE/TRUE follower of Christ...which we all should be!Even though challenges and missteps come in our lives that have led to less than noble actions/experiences in our lives,turning away from these things (making course corrections)and trusting God’s awesome Mercy&Grace means that HE is always giving us an opportunity to become sons&daughters of the God of Creation...sons&daughters of THE HIGHEST NOBILITY there is...sons&daughters of THE KING OF KINGS! SO,Everyone who claims to be a Christian...needs to take these verses as a CALL on our hearts/minds/lives too make course corrections with a “TRUE COMPASS”...and respect the only “TRUE NORTH” as direction for our heart/mind/life.Everyone has an opportunity to change the direction of our lives and pick up the TRUE COMPASS for life.Problem we have today with the compass of our hearts/minds/lives is that it has so many interferences and untrustworthy “forces” confusing the needle away from “TRUE NORTH” that we are following a false compass for our heart/mind/life. Without establishing a TRUTH worth following in our lives we aren’t following a compass of any kind, and if we determine a false truth we will be very disappointed and lost at the end of our journey. There is only ONE TRUTH, there cannot be a personal truth chosen as truth for one person and then another truth for someone else. TRUTH is TRUTH, no matter what anyone may think The bottom line for all life is that GOD is GOD, and, “God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed in the world, Received up in glory(1Tim3:16). This is the TRUTH of the ONLY GOOD NEWS there is for TRUE ETERNAL LIFE DIRECTION - TRUE NORTH. Jesus is the only TRUE NORTH for the only TRUE COMPASS in this life - the ONLY TRUE NORTH to TRUST our lives with too get us to the only SAFE destination for life. In these verses we are given some basic “principles” to use in making the initial corrections to our heart/mind/life COMPASS.A pastor friend of mine once said in a sermon that if an airliner loaded with passengers took off from Atlanta and set a course for Anchorage, Alaska...if the pilots were not making constant course corrections with a TRUE COMPASS guiding them...if the plane was only a degree of course from takeoff to “landing”,by the time it traveled the +3000 miles(which should land it in Anchorage)it could possibly be so far off course that it might have to land at another destination.Dear Lord Jesus,I pray for THE TRUE NORTH of Your Word and Your Spirit to restore the Compass of my life to TRUSTWORTHINESS...and may I have Your Help in making the constant course corrections in my heart/mind/life that keep me on a course leading to NOBLE TASKS.