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rock devos

Luke 6:27-36

Rebecca Lightfoot

Whether we acknowledge it or not,we r eternal beings!Whether we live like it or not,this life on earth that we live now is NOT all there is! There is MORE! MUCH MORE!Among other things that Jesus is talking about n Luke6:27-36,Jesus is calling us to living like we ARE ETERNAL!When we think about how we live,how we love,how we react to those around us,how we “invest” our lives & our resources....,we typically consider “what r the dividends for me” based on a perspective of our life in the here and now & our future life as we live out our days on earth.This paradigm will cause us to live n ways that r counter to what Jesus is calling us to n these verses,and ultimately take us away from what Jesus says n vs35,”But love ur enemies,& do good,& lend expecting nothing n return,& ur reward will b great,& u will b sons(&daughters)of the Most High,4 He is kind 2 the ungrateful & the evil.”4 each individual these Words of Jesus have specific purpose & meaning that address how The Lord is making us new from the inside.HE is changing those who belong to Him...from worldly people into His sons&daughters that realize the significance of being ETERNAL & knowing that HE is GOD/HE is our Father n Heaven!If we r going to live like Jesus is describing n these verses...,then we must have an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE/PARADIGM for the way we live.If not,we may do these things that Jesus is calling us to...but w a begrudging attitude/heart about doing them...and the impact on our life is ultimately an embedded bitterness or even worse pride/self righteousness that begins to grow n us.N verse 34b-35 when Jesus says “for HE(The Lord)is kind2 the ungrateful & the evil.B merciful,even as ur Father is merciful.”,Jesus is giving us a perspective adjustment of sorts!We ourselves were once consider the ungrateful&evil...,only cleansed from these things by the Blood of Jesus when we turn to Him and away from our previous ways.SO!We r 2 b humbled by what Jesus says here,as well as dependent on His Mercies!We have no room for any pride nor arrogance!In fact we should realize the utter TRUTH of our dependence on The Lord 4 EVERYTHING!This is the PERSPECTIVE that Jesus is calling us to...that not only acknowledges our ETERNALITY,but indeed changes every one of our paradigms of thinking&living!Compelling us to live&love like Jesus!Only when we let go of our earthly/worldly paradigms of living,& live like we r ETERNAL & like we r DEPENDENT on The Lord for absolutely everything...only when these changes constantly occur n our hearts/minds/lives...r we truly “living like” we r His sons&daughters.Dear Jesus,I confess that this is not the way I think/respond/live/invest...most of the time n my life.Forgive me,& change the power of Your Mercies&Graces that only You possess and only You have the authority to that I will live/think/respond/invest as You call me to n these verses.