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rock devos

Luke 7:36-50

Rebecca Lightfoot

When we think that The Lord does not hear what we say or think,& that He is being silent,we should look to “life lessons” that The Lord May b speaking/teaching through.N Luke7:36-50,a Pharisee asks Jesus to come for dinner.A prostitute that had heard Jesus preach(&had decided to repent & follow Jesus) enters the Pharisee’s house.For her to b able to barge into the house,she must’ve been well known to the Pharisee...a frequent guest.Might very well b that the Pharisee was a regular client of hers.For whatever reason,she was more than a casual acquaintance of the Pharisee.She enters the house carrying an alabaster jar filled w an extremely expensive oil.I can personally attest to the value of essential oils,which this woman brought a jar filled with.My wife purchases essential oils n less than an ounce tiny bottles, because of their beneficial properties for people w illnesses.Some of these tiny bottles can cost as much as $70.Imagine what an entire jar filled w these oils would cost!This woman has had her life so significantly impacted by the Gospel of Christ,that she unashamedly enters the Pharisee’s house(knowing fully what people’s preconceived notions were about her)with uncontrollable weeping because of her deep&wide appreciation for Jesus & what His Mercies&Graces had done for her!She had become a living testimony of the Power of The Gospel of Christ & Who He is...what He is capable of doing in the lives of those that turn away from their old life & turn to Him!The Pharisee doesn’t speak his discontent about this woman nor what she does w a whole jar of extremely valuable oil...,but the words r n his mind!Jesus addresses the Pharisee’s questions/thoughts by pointing to a “life lesson”.When Jesus says,”Do you see this woman...”,He is encouraging this man to open his eyes & ears to what life lessons r before his very eyes& ears!Jesus is showing this man that,”a picture is worth a thousand words,& a video is worth a million pictures”!Jesus is “doing better” than just answering w words....He is using this woman’s life to more effectively “speak into” this man’s questions/thoughts!Jesus is using life lessons to speak!When we have questions that may even b confined to silent thoughts,we need to b paying attention to whatever life lessons may b n our own lives!God knows our nature being one of,”oh yeah,show me”!SO,He constantly uses “LIFE” to give us life lessons,just as Jesus did w this Pharisee.This is a “2-way” lesson for those that belong to Christ!First lesson for us is the same as for this Pharisee- look for life lessons!Second is-is my life such a reflection of what Christ has done for me,that my life can b used as a life lesson for others....,as this woman’s life was!?Dear Lord...please turn my attention to life around b aware of where You r answering my questions & thoughts w life lessons!Lord Jesus,I ask for Your Word&Spirit to work n my life the changes necessary so that my life may become a life lesson for others, just like this woman at the Pharisee’s house!