Acts 16
Rebecca Lightfoot
When Paul&Timothy go to Philippi n Acts16,they go to a place of prayer on the Sabbath.For some reason it is primarily(maybe only)the women of the city that r at the place of prayer.It might b that men were there also,but for whatever reason it ends up that only the women gather around Paul&Timothy to hear what they have to say about Jesus!This must’ve changed the lives of some of the women by their believing in Jesus and the Gospel that Paul&Timothy we’re telling them about.One lady n particular is mentioned that was being “used” for what she could provide for her male “owners”.Her “value” has been n what she can do for/provide for the men,and not who she is as a person.When this happens n anyone’s life,their hearts&minds r vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy’s of God/the eternal enemies of all oppression of the heart/mind/spirit.N Acts16:18 Paul realizes the battle for this women’s life,& he commands the evil spirit to leave this woman alone.It appears that many women’s lives may have been impacted the same as this woman’s...and hearing the Gospel of Christ freed them from spiritual bondage as well.Because,in vs 19-24,the men of Philippi r easily mustered against Paul&Timothy because of how the lives of the women have been changed by the Word of God(vs21,”customs that r not lawful for us...”).The way we treat people,talk to people,etc.,n some way communicates how we value them/what we see as value n them...and this can have a devastating effect on their lives.And it has a devastating effect on our own life also.When the women n Philippi heard the Gospel of Christ,& the Word of God preached...they began to realize that Christ valued them SO MUCH,that He suffered and died for them so they could have lives of eternal Meaning & Significance...that their lives were worth much more than they could ever imagine....their “value” was changed from what they could DO,to what Jesus DID for them!Because of the women of Philippi being changed by what Jesus DID for them...the city becomes one of the central Christian Churches of the New Testament.Dear Lord,forgive me for so many times doing the same thing in the lives around me that the men n Philippi did to these women....and open my eyes to the ways that I have allowed how I value others and myself to open the door of my heart/mind/life up to the dark side of spiritual things.Bring me to the awesome awareness that the only VALUE worthy of knowing n my life is how YOU “value”me/LOVE me by what YOU DID for me on the Cross!