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rock devos

Acts 17

Rebecca Lightfoot

N Acts17,Paul&Silas have just experienced miraculous events in their lives,including an earthquake that precisely rattled their jail doors open,and then the chains holding them fell to the ground...& they see men’s lives rattled by the miraculous TRUTHS of Christ.Paul&Silas have had yet another set of experiences in their lives confirming God is WHO HE says HE IS,&that HIS Word is to be trusted as TRUTH.These events caused such a ruckus in Philippi that the city officials ask them to leave the city.Paul&Silas go to Thessalonica & go to the synagogue,which is where people during that time would go with their questions about LIFE!With the recent events of their lives surely encouraging them both as they enter the conversations going in n the synagogue,Paul begins to “reason with them from the Scriptures....”(Acts17:2-3).If we are sincerely “REASONING” through these types of conversations,then we must establish the foundation on which to build REASON...we must seek to know THE TRUTH, and pursue it earnestly...and then protect/Distinguish truth from appearances of truth/false truth!Paul does this by going to Scripture;to God’s Word to establish the “CRITERIA”for TRUE&TRUSTWORTHY “REASON”.Paul is saying that to use any other “CRITERIA” would be establishing an UNsound foundation on which to build “REASON” that it true&trustworthy!Whether I am aware of it or not,any time I try to reason through a challenge or question,I will in some first establish the “CRITERIA” for my thinking/reasoning process.This is why it is imperative that I have a “fresh flowing” of God’s Word in my life constantly.And,that I always go to God’s Word as THE SOURCE of THE trusted basis of all reasoning!It doesn’t matter what the questions or the challenges are.I need to remember what The Lord encourages Joshua with in Joshua1:8,”This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,but you shall meditate on it day and night,so that you may be careful to do according to everything written in it.For then you will make your way prosperous,and then you will have good success.”Dear Lord,this makes me begin to remember how many times I have NOT done this...not sought to reason through questions&challenges without first seeking to know what Your Word says to me,and what Your Spirit will lead me with.Forgive me!And lead me with Your Spirit being my conscious reminder of the significance of Your Word for my life.