1 Timothy 6:11-14
Rebecca Lightfoot
Paul has been encouraging Timothy with lessons for anyone seeking to live in a way that will keep them from “wandering away from the Faith”(1Tim6:10)and losing our RIGHT FOCUS!He has given us instructions on the value of finding “true north” for life/RIGHT FOCUS for life,and how we can stay the course of a trusted/true course for life that will keep us from shipwrecking our faith by warning us of what are the strongest atTEMPTS of the devil to draw us away from the only eternally trusted/true course for life there is!Then in 1Tim6:11-14 Paul gives us a list of things that will help keep us on the right/true course->the things to seek;listen to;& use as distillers for all that we allow to become a part of our mind/heart/life....the very things that ultimately determine the choices we make;the decisions we make;the disciplines we have;the way we make priorities;etc.->”But you, man of God, FLEE from all this, and PURSUE righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.Fight the good fight of the faith.....I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our LORD Jesus Christ,”.Paul tells us what to turn away from/not pursue,& now he tells us what to pursue so we will not be so tempted to veer off to a “shipwrecking course”!In essence Paul is giving us filters for life->the qualifying “essence” for all things that we allow to become a part of our mind/heart/life!These are righteousness, godliness, faithfulness,love, endurance and gentleness.All of these are rightly defined & described throughout the Bible,as well as demonstrated through the lives of the Faithful recorded in the Bible and many others throughout history,& in our current world/lives.When we allow things that are NOT righteous,NOT godly,NOT faithful, UNloving,IMpatient,or UNgentle into our mind/heart/life...we could very well be changing the course of our mind/heart/life toward shipwrecking our faith....and our mind/heart/life.The devil is sly and creative with tactics&strategies In these areas of our mind/heart/life!This is why we cannot be slack in our ENDURANCE for righteousness,godliness,faithfulness,love,& gentleness in all areas of our lives!Hebrews1:1-2 makes this simple by saying,”Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us RUN WITH ENDURANCE the race that is set before us,FIXING OUR EYES ON Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”.When we maintain/endure a RIGHT FOCUS for our mind/heart/life,we will be able to maneuver our lives/“endure our lives” through whatever waters we may be sailing through on a course that will keep us from becoming shipwrecked!Dear Lord Jesus,I desperately need Your help in my mind/heart/life with these lessons....I am also thankful for Your Mercy & Grace for the times I have “shipwrecked” and then turned to you to SAVE me.I pray for Your sovereign help to keep me focused on You as You Alone grow and perfect my faith....